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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):栗绍文
Name (Pinyin):Li Shaowen
Administrative Position:公共卫生学系党支部书记、学系副主任
Professional Title:Professor
Business Address:第四综合楼A511
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine
Other Contact Information:

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Paper Publications
Wang Zhang, Cheng He, Jian Qiao, Shishan Dong, Shaowen Li(通讯作者), Weimin Zhang. Differences in ventricular vulnerability, serum enzyme activities, and electrolyte levels between male and female broilers. Poultry Science 2008,87:1402-1406
Release time:2021-04-02    Hits:

Translation or Not:no