Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):栗绍文
Name (Pinyin):Li Shaowen
Administrative Position:公共卫生学系党支部书记、学系副主任
Professional Title:Professor
Business Address:第四综合楼A511
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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Prevalence and characterization of Salmonella in three commercial pig abattoirs in Wuhan, China
Release time:2021-04-02 Hits:
DOI number:10.1089/fpd.2019.2737
Journal:Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
Co-author:Xuan Hong,Qi Huang,Chunfang Wang,Zhou Chen,Liangjin Zhao,Xiaoying Liu,Yangchao Lu
First Author:Xianrong Meng,Yueguang JIu
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Shaowen Li
Page Number:620-627
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2020-03-04
Included Journals:SCI
Pre One:Isolation and characterization of Salmonella in pork samples collected from retail and wholesale markets in each season from 2016 to 2018 in Wuhan, China
Next One:Binyou Li, Qi Huang, Ailian Cui, Xueling Liu, Bo Hou, Liyuan Zhang, Mei Liu, Xianrong Meng, Shaowen Li(通讯作者). Overexpression of outer membrane protein X (OmpX) compensates for the effect of TolC inactivation on biofilm formation and curli production in extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC). Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2018, 8: 208 | doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00208