Paper Publications

4. Zhao Y, Hou Y, Liu F, et al. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals that Vitamin A Metabolism in the Liver Affects Feed Efficiency in Pigs[J]. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 2016, 6(11): 3615-3624. (第一作者)

Release time:2021-10-08 Hits:

Pre One: 5. Zhao Y, Hou Y, Zhao C, et al. Cis-Natural Antisense Transcripts Are Mainly Co-expressed with Their Sense Transcripts and Primarily Related to Energy Metabolic Pathways during Muscle Development[J]. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2016, 12(8): 1010-1021. (第一作者)

Next One: 3. Zhou H, Xiang Y, Hu M, Xu Y, Hou Y, Qi X, Fu L, Luan Y, Wang Z, Li X, Zhao Y* and Zhao S*. Chromatin accessibility is associated with the changed expression of miRNAs that target members of the Hippo pathway during myoblast differentiation[J]. Cell Death & Disease, 2020, 11(2): 1-15. (共同通讯作者)