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教师拼音名称:Li Jianying





李健英,教授,博士生导师,从事作物基因组及药用植物分子遗传学研究,通过整合比较基因组学、群体遗传学、合成生物学及人工智能,揭示重要农艺性状形成的遗传基础与代谢多样性分子调控。2013-2019年在华中农业大学获得农学博士,从事棉花生物技术研究。2019-2024年在华中农业大学生物学流动站博士后,从事棉花基因组进化与复杂性状的遗传基础。研究成果以第一或通讯作者(含共同)发表在Nature Genetics (2篇),Molecular Biology & Evolution, Genome Biology, Plant Biotechnology Journal (3篇)等期刊。入选中国科协青年人才托举工程,中国作物学会优秀博士论文。


1. Jianying Li#, Zhenping Liu#, Chunyuan You#, Zhengyang Qi, Jiaqi You, Corrinne E. Grover, Yuexuan Long, Xianhui Huang, Sifan Lu, Yuejin Wang, Sainan Zhang, Yawen Wang, Ruizhe Bai, Mengke Zhang, Shuangxia Jin, Xinhui Nie, Jonathan F. Wendel, Xianlong Zhang* & Maojun Wang*. Convergence and divergence of diploid and tetraploid cotton genomes. Nature Genetics, (2024) 56, 2562–2573. 

2. Maojun Wang#, Jianying Li#, Zhengyang Qi#, Yuexuan Long#, Liuling Pei, Xianhui Huang, Corrinne E. Grover, Xiongming Du, Chunjiao Xia, Pengcheng Wang, Zhenping Liu, Jiaqi You, Xuehan Tian, Yizan Ma, Ruipeng Wang, Xinyuan Chen, Xin He, David D Fang, Yuqiang Sun, Lili Tu, Shuangxia Jin, Longfu Zhu, Jonathan F. Wendel* & Xianlong Zhang*. Genomic innovation and regulatory rewiring during evolution of the cotton genus Gossypium. Nature Genetics (2022) 54(12):1959-1971. 

3. Jianying Li, Daojun Yuan, Pengcheng Wang, Qiongqiong Wang, Mengling Sun, Zhenping Liu, Huan Si, Zhongping Xu, Yizan Ma, Boyang Zhang, Liuling Pei, Lili Tu, Longfu Zhu, Ling-Ling Chen, Keith Lindsey, Xianlong Zhang, Shuangxia Jin*, Maojun Wang*. Cotton pan-genome retrieves the lost sequences and genes during domestication and selection. Genome Biology (2021) 22(1):119. 

4. Jianying Li, Maojun Wang, Yajun Li, Qinghua Zhang, Keith Lindsey, Henry Daniell, Shuangxia Jin*, Xianlong Zhang. Multi omics analyses reveal epigenomics basis for cotton somatic embryogenesis through successive regeneration acclimation (SRA) process. Plant Biotechnology Journal (2019) 17(2):435-450. 

5. Jianying Li#, Hakim Manghwar#, Lin Sun#, Pengcheng Wang, Guanying Wang, Hanyan Sheng, Jie Zhang, Hao Liu, Lei Qin, Hangping Rui, Bo Li, Keith Lindsey, Henry Daniell, Shuangxia Jin*, Xianlong Zhang. Whole genome sequencing reveals rare off target mutations and considerable inherent genetic or/and somaclonal variations in CRISPR/Cas9-edited cotton plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal (2019) 17(5):858 868. 

6. Jianying Li#, Lizhen Zhu#, J Joe Hull, Sijia Liang, Henry Daniell, Shuangxia Jin*, Xianlong Zhang. Transcriptome analysis reveals a comprehensive insect resistance response mechanism in cotton to infestation by the phloem feeding insect Bemisia tabaci (whitefly). Plant Biotechnology Journal (2016) 14(10):1956-75. 

7. Maojun Wang#, Jianying Li#, Pengcheng Wang, Fang Liu, Zhenping Liu, Guannan Zhao, Zhongping Xu, Liuling Pei, Corrinne E Grover, Jonathan F Wendel*, Kunbo Wang*, Xianlong Zhang*. Comparative genome analyses highlight transposon mediated genome expansion and the evolutionary architecture of 3D genomic folding in cotton. Mol Biol Evol (2021) 38(9):3621-3636. 

8. Xin He, Zhengyang Qi, Zhenping Liu, Xing Chang, Xianlong Zhang, Jianying Li*, and Maojun Wang*. Pangenome analysis reveals transposon-driven genome evolution in cotton. BMC Biology (2024) 22(1):92. 

9. Jianying Li, J Joe Hull, Sijia Liang, Qiongqiong Wang, Luo Chen, Qinghua Zhang, Maojun Wang, Shahid Mansoor, Xianlong Zhang, Shuangxia Jin*. Genome-Wide Analysis of Cotton miRNAs During Whitefly Infestation Offers New Insights into Plant Herbivore Interaction. Int J Mol Sci (2019) 20(21):5357. 


1. Zhao G, Le Y, Sun M, Xu J, Qin Y, Men S, Ye Z, Tan H, Hu H, You J, Li J, Jin S Wang M, Zhang X, Lin Z, Tu L. A dominant negative mutation of GhMYB25-like alters cotton fiber initiation, reducing lint and fuzz. Plant Cell. 2024, 36:2759-2777.

2. Huang Y, Qi Z, Li J, You J, Zhang X, Wang M*. Genetic interrogation of phenotypic plasticity informs genome-enabled breeding in cotton. J Genet Genomics 2023, 50:971-982.

3. Chang X, He X, Li J, Liu Z, Pi R, Luo X, Wang R, Hu X, Lu S, Zhang X, Wang M*. High-quality Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense genome assemblies reveal the landscape and evolution of centromeres. Plant Commun 2024, 22:100722.

4. Sun L, Alariqi M, Wang Y, Wang Q, Xu Z, Zafar MN, Yang G, Jia R, Hussain A, Chen Y, Ding X, Zhou J, Wang G, Wang F, Li J, Zou J, Zhu X, Yu L, Sun Y, Liang S, Hui F, Chen L, Guo W, Wang Y, Zhu H, Lindsey K, Nie X, Zhang X, Jin S*. Construction of Host Plant Insect-Resistance Mutant Library by High-Throughput CRISPR/Cas9 System and Identification of A Broad-Spectrum Insect Resistance Gene. Adv Sci 2023, 30:e2306157.

5. You J, Liu Z, Qi Z, Ma Y, Sun M, Su L, Niu H, Peng Y, Luo X, Zhu M, Huang Y, Chang X, Hu X, Zhang Y, Pi R, Liu Y, Meng Q, Li J, Zhang Q, Zhu L, Lin Z, Min L, Yuan D, Grover CE, Fang DD, Lindsey K, Wendel JF, Tu L*, Zhang X*, Wang M*. Regulatory controls of duplicated gene expression during fiber development in allotetraploid cotton. Nat Genet, 2023, 55(11):1987-1997

6. Wen X#, Chen Z#, Yang Z#, Wang M#, Jin S#, Wang G#, Zhang L, Wang L, Li J, Saeed S, He S, Wang Z, Wang K, Kong Z, Li F*, Zhang X*, Chen X*, Zhu Y*. A comprehensive overview of cotton genomics, biotechnology and molecular biological studies. Sci China Life Sci 2023, 66:2214-2256.

7. Zhang J, Li J, Saeed S, Batchelor WD, Alariqi M, Meng Q, Zhu F, Zou J, Xu Z, Si H, Wang Q, Zhang X, Zhu H, Jin S, Yuan D*. Identification and Functional Analysis of lncRNA by CRISPR/Cas9 During the Cotton Response to Sap-Sucking Insect Infestation. Front Plant Sci 2022, 23:784511.

8. Wang M#, Qi Z#, Thyssen GN, Naoumkina M, Jenkins JN, McCarty JC, Xiao Y, Li J, Zhang X*, Fang DD*. Genomic interrogation of a MAGIC population highlights genetic factors controlling fiber quality traits in cotton. Commun Biology 2022, 5:60.

9. Pei L#, Huang X#, Liu Z, Tian X, You J, Li J, Fang DD, Lindsey K, Zhu L, Zhang X, Wang M*. Dynamic 3D genome architecture of cotton fiber reveals subgenome-coordinated chromatin topology for 4-staged single-cell differentiation. Genome Biol 2022, 23:45.

10. Liu S, Zhang X, Xiao S, Ma J, Shi W, Qin T, Xi H, Nie X, You C, Xu Z, Wang T, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Li J, Kong J, Aierxi A, Yu Y, Lindsey K, Klosterman SJ, Zhang X, Zhu L*. A single‐nucleotide mutation in a GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR‐LIKE gene confers resistance to fusarium wilt in Gossypium hirsutum. Adv Sci 2021, 8:2002723.

11. Wang M#, Tu L#, Yuan D#, Zhu, Shen C, Li J, Liu F, Pei L, Wang P, Zhao G, Ye Z, Huang H, Yan F, Ma Y, Zhang L, Liu M, You J, Yang Y, Liu Z, Huang F, Li B, Qiu P, Zhang Q, Zhu L, Jin S, Yang X, Min L, Li G, Chen LL, Zheng H, Lindsey K*, Lin Z*, Udall JA*, Zhang X*. Reference genome sequences of two cultivated allotetraploid cottons, Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense. Nat Genet 2019, 51:224-229.

12. Wang M, Wang P, Lin M*, Ye Z, Li G, Tu L, Shen C, Li J, Yang Q*, Zhang X*. Evolutionary dynamics of 3D genome architecture following polyploidization in cotton. Nat Plants 2018, 4:90-97.

13. Qin L, Li J, Wang Q, Xu Z, Sun L, Alariqi M, Manghwar H, Wang G, Li B, Ding X, Rui H, Huang H, Lu T, Lindsey K, Daniell H, Zhang X, Jin S*. High-efficient and precise base editing of C*G to T*A in the allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) genome using a modified CRISPR/Cas9 system. Plant Biotechnol J 2020, 18:45-56.

14. Wang Q#, Alariqi M#, Wang F, Li B, Ding X, Rui H, Li Y, Xu Z, Qin L, Sun L, Li J, Zou J, Lindsey K, Zhang X, Jin S*. he application of a heat-inducible CRISPR/Cas12b (C2c1) genome editing system in tetraploid cotton (G. hirsutum) plants. Plant Biotechnol J 2020,18:2436-2443.

15. Si H, Liu H, Sun Y, Xu Z, Liang S, Li B, Ding X, Li J, Wang Q, Sun L, Zhang X, Jin S*. Transcriptome and metabolome analysis reveal that oral secretions from Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura influence wound-induced host response in cotton. Crop Journal 2020, 8: 929-942.

16. Pei L, Zhang L, Li J, Shen C, Qiu P, Tu L, Zhang X, Wang M*. Tracing the origin and evolution history of methylation-related genes in plants. BMC Plant Biol 2019, 19:307.

17.  Wang M#, Wang P#, Liang F, Ye Z, Li J, Shen C, Pei L, Wang F, Hu J, Tu L, Lindsey K, He D*, Zhang X*. A global survey of alternative splicing in allopolyploid cotton: landscape, complexity and regulation. New Phytol 2018, 217:163-178.

18.  Wang L, Liu N, Wang T, Li J, Wen T, Yang X, Lindsey K, Zhang X*. The GhmiR157a-GhSPL10 regulatory module controls initial cellular dedifferentiation and callus proliferation in cotton by modulating ethylene-mediated flavonoid biosynthesis. J Exp Bot 2018, 69:1081-1093.

19.  Sun L#, Alariqi M#, Zhu Y, Li J, Li Z, Wang Q, Li Y, Rui H, Zhang X, Jin S*. Red fluorescent protein (DsRed2), an ideal reporter for cotton genetic transformation and molecular breeding. Crop Journal 2018, 6:366-376.

20.  Sun H, Hu M, Li J, Chen L, Li M, Zhang S, Zhang X, Yang X. Comprehensive analysis of NAC transcription factors uncovers their roles during fiber development and stress response in cotton. BMC Plant Biol 2018, 18:150.

21.  Wang M, Tu L, Lin M, Lin Z, Wang P, Yang Q, Ye Z, Shen C, Li J, Zhang L, Zhou X, Nie X, Li Z, Guo K, Ma Y, Huang C, Jin S, Zhu L, Yang X, Min L, Yuan D, Zhang Q, Lindsey K*, Zhang X*. Asymmetric subgenome selection and cis-regulatory divergence during cotton domestication. Nat Genet 2017, 49:579-587.

22.  Luo J#, Liang S#, Li J, Xu Z, Li L, Zhu B, Li Z, Lei C, Lindsey K, Chen L*, Jin S*, Zhang X. A transgenic strategy for controlling plant bugs (Adelphocoris suturalis) through expression of double-stranded RNA homologous to fatty acyl-coenzyme A reductase in cotton. New Phytol 2017, 215:1173-1185.


[1] 2013.9——2019.6
华中农业大学 > 作物遗传育种 > 博士 > 博士研究生毕业



