Hongwei Lei
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Hongwei Lei
Name (English):Hongwei Lei
Name (Pinyin):Lei Hongwei
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Business Address:工程楼A603
Alma Mater:武汉大学
Teacher College:College of Engineering


- Hongwei Lei, Jianjun Chen*, Zuojun Tan*, Guojia Fang*. Review of Recent Progress in Antimony Chalcogenide-Based Solar Cells: Materials and Devices. Solar RRL, (2019), 36: 1900026. (热点文章).
- Hongwei Lei#, Tinghao Lin#, Xinran Wang, Shu Zhang, Qiluan Cheng, Xuejing Chen, Zuojun Tan, Jianjun Chen*. A novel in situ hydrothermal preparation route for Sb2S3 and its solar cell application. Materials Letters, (2018), 233: 90-93..
- Hongwei Lei#, Xiaofeng Chen#, Lingwei Xue#, Linhao Sun, Jianjun Chen, Zuojun Tan, Zhi-Guo Zhang*, Yongfang Li, Guojia Fang*. A solution-processed pillar[5]arene-based small molecule cathode buffer layer for efficient planar perovskite solar cells. Nanoscale, (2018), 1017: 8088-8098..
- Hongwei Lei#, Guang Yang#, Xiaolu Zheng#, Zhi‐Guo Zhang, Cong Chen, Junjie Ma, Yaxiong Guo, Zhiliang Chen, Pingli Qin, Yongfang Li, Guojia Fang*. Incorporation of High‐Mobility and Room‐Temperature‐Deposited CuxS as a Hole Transport Layer for Efficient and Stable Organo‐Lead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL, (2017), 13-4. (热点文章).
- Hongwei Lei, Guang Yang, Yaxiong Guo, Liangbin Xiong, Pingli Qin, Xin Dai, Xiaolu Zheng, Weijun Ke, Hong Tao, Zhao Chen, Borui Li, Guojia Fang*. Efficient planar Sb2S3 solar cells using a low-temperature solution-processed tin oxide electron conductor. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2016), 1824: 16436-16443..
- Hongwei Lei, Pingli Qin, Weijun Ke, Yaxiong Guo, Xin Dai, Zhao Chen, Haoning Wang, Borui Li, Qiao Zheng, Guojia Fang*. Performance enhancement of polymer solar cells with high work function CuS modified ITO as anodes. Organic Electronics, (2015), 22: 173-179..
- Hongwei Lei, Guojia Fang*, Fei Cheng, Weijun Ke, Pingli Qin, Zengcai Song, Qiao Zheng, Xi Fan, Huihui Huang, Xingzhong Zhao. Enhanced efficiency in organic solar cells via in situ fabricated p-type copper sulfide as the hole transporting layer. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, (2014), 128: 77-84..