Hongwei Lei
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Hongwei Lei
Name (English):Hongwei Lei
Name (Pinyin):Lei Hongwei
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Business Address:工程楼A603
Alma Mater:武汉大学
Teacher College:College of Engineering


Hongwei Lei, Utkarsh Singh, Fuxiang Ji,* Tinghao Lin, Libor Kobera, Yuequn Shang, Xinyi Cai, Weihua Ning, Andrii Mahun, Sabina Abbrent, Zuojun Tan,* Jiri Brus, Dehui Li, Sergei I. Simak, Igor A. Abrikosov, and Feng Gao*,Palladium-Doped Cs2AgBiBr6 with 1300 nm Near-Infrared Photoresponse. Small 2024, 20, 2404188
Release time:2024-12-25 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Chen X, Xu Q, Duan Y, Liu H, Chen X, Huang J, Luo C, Zhou D, Zheng L*. 2021. Ustilaginoidea virens modulates lysine 2‐hydroxyisobutyrylation in rice flowers during infection. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 63: 1801-1814 (5-IF=10.1)
Next One:Duan Y, Li P, Zhang D, Wang L, Fang Y, Hu H, Mao Q, Zhou X, Zhao P, Li X, Wei J, Tang J, Pan L, Liu H, Chen X, Chen X, Hsiang T, Huang J*, Zheng L*. 2024. S-palmitoylation of MAP kinase is essential for fungal virulence. mBio, doi: 10.1128/mbio.02704-24.