教师英文名称:Jiang Cuncang
办公地点:主楼 317 Office Room: Main building 317


- Yan Lei, Riaz Muhammad, Liu Yalin, Yu Zeng, Jiang Cuncang*, 2019, Aluminum toxicity could be mitigated with boron by altering the metabolic patterns of amino acids and carbohydrates rather than organic acids in trifoliate orange, Tree Physiology, 39:1572-1582 (IF5y:4.095,TOP).
- Muhammad Riaz, Lei Yan, Xiuwen Wu, Saddam Hussain, Omar Aziz, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Shoaib Rana , Jiang Cuncang*, 2018, Boron reduce Aluminum-induced growth inhibition, oxidative damage and alterations in the cell wall components in the roots of trifoliate orange. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 153: 107-115(IF5y: 4.640)入选ESI高被引论文.
- 林庆毅,姜存仓*,张梦阳, 生物炭老化后理化性质及微观结构的表征, 环境化学, 2017, 36 (10): 2107-2114.
- Wu X,Muhammad R,Yan L,Du C,Liu Y,Jiang C*, 2017,Boron deficiency in trifoliate orange induces changes in pectin composition and architecture of components in root cell walls. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:1882.(IF5y:4.855).
- Wu Xiuwen, Lu Xiaopei, Riaz Muhammad, Yan Lei, Jiang Cuncang*, 2019, Boron toxicity induced different changes of the cell ultrastructure and architecture of components in different leaf segments of trifoliate orange, Journal of Environmental Management,246:426-433(IF5y: 4.962).
- Muhammad R; Yan L; Wu X; Saddam H; Omar A; Wang Y; Muhammad I; Jiang C*, 2018, Boron alleviates the aluminum toxicity in trifoliate orange by regulating antioxidant defense system and reducing root cell injury, Journal of Environmental Management, 208:149-158 (IF5y: 4.962) 入选ESI高被引论文.
- Zhang Mengyang, Riaz Muhammad, Xia Hao,Zhang Lin, Zeinab El-Desouki, Jiang Cuncang*, 2019.Response of fungal communities in different soils to biochar and chemical fertilizers under simulated rainfall conditions , Science of the Total Environment, 691:654-663(IF:5.589;IF5y: 5.727,TOP).
- Zhang Mengyang, Riaz Muhammad, Liu Bo, Xia Hao, Zeinab El-Desouki, Jiang Cuncang*, 2020. Two-year study of biochar: Achieving excellent capability of potassium supply via alter clay mineral composition and potassium-dissolving bacteria activity, Science of the Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137286(IF:5.589; IF5y: 5.727,TOP) .
- Yan Lei, Riaz Muhammad, Wu Xiuwen, Du Chenqing, Liu Yalin, Jiang Cuncang*, 2018, Ameliorative effects of boron on aluminum induced variations of cell wall cellulose and pectin components in trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliate (L.) Raf.) rootstock, Environmental Pollution, 240:764-774(IF:5.714;IF5y: 6.152,TOP).
- Lei Yan, Chenqing Du, Riaz Muhammad, Jiang Cuncang*, 2019, Boron mitigates H+-toxicity and root tip injuries by regulating antioxidant system, cytoplasmic and vacuole pH in the citrus roots, Environmental Pollution, 255:113254,(IF:5.714; IF5y: 6.152 ,TOP).