Huirong Hu
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Huirong Hu
Name (English):Huirong Hu
Name (Pinyin):Hu Huirong
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Discipline:Ornamental Plants and Horticulture Other specialties in Horticulture


Yue YZ, Zhu WW, Shen HM, Wang HT, Du JH, Wang LG, Hu HR. DNA-Binding One Finger Transcription Factor PhDof28 Regulates Petal Size in Petunia. International journal of molecular sciences, 2023, 24(15)
Release time:2024-03-27 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:贺亚川,俎伟华,王琴,李清斌,马方芳,胡惠蓉*.几种多浆植物耐旱性的初步比较. 西北农业学报. 2010,19(3):127-130
Next One:Zhang H, Sun Z, Feng S, Zhang J, Zhang F, Wang W, Hu H, Zhang W*, Bao M*. The C2H2-type zinc finger protein PhZFP1 regulates cold stress tolerance by modulating galactinol synthesis in Petunia hybrida[J]. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2022, 73(18): 6434-6448