教师拼音名称:Hong Xianpei


- Xianpei Hong, Yeming Gong, Yacine Rekik, Qing Li*, 2023. Public versus private information: The impact of quality information sharing on competition under different channel structures. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 176, 108937. (SCI, ABS 2星期刊).
- Guangxia Zhang, Yeming Gong, Xianpei Hong*, 2022. Free rider effect of quality information disclosure in remanufacturing. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 166, 102907. (SSCI & SCI, ABS 3星期刊).
- Yimeng He, Yeming Gong, Xianpei Hong*, 2022. Demand information acquisition and disclosure in a non-instantaneous deteriorating items supply chain. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 169, 108250. (SCI, ABS 2星期刊).
- Benrong Zheng, Kun Wen, Liang Jin, Xianpei Hong*, 2022. Alliance or cost-sharing? Recycling cooperation mode selection in a closed-loop supply chain. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 32, 942–955. (SSCI & SCI).
- Hai Li, Qiankai Qing*, Jun Wang, Xianpei Hong*, 2021. An analysis of technology licensing and parallel importation under different market structures. European Journal of Operational Research, 294(2), 543–557. (SSCI & SCI, ABS 4星期刊).
- Xianpei Hong, Xinlu Cao*, Yeming Gong*, Wangying Chen, 2021. Quality information acquisition and disclosure with green manufacturing in a closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 232, 107997. (SSCI & SCI, ABS 3星期刊).
- Xianpei Hong, Lan Wang*, Yeming Gong*, Wanying (Amanda) Chen, 2020. What is the role of value-added service in a remanufacturing closed loop supply chain? International Journal of Production Research, 58(11), 3342–3361. (SSCI & SCI, ABS 3星期刊).
- Qife Wang, Xianpei Hong*, Yeming (Yale) Gong*, Wanying (Amanda) Chen, 2020. Collusion or Not: The optimal choice of competing retailers in a closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 225, 107580. (SSCI & SCI,ABS 3星期刊).
- Xianpei Hong, Lei Xu*, Peng Du, Wenjuan Wang, 2015. Joint advertising, pricing and collection decisions in a closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 167, 12–22. (SSCI & SCI, ABS 3星期刊, ESI高被引论文).
- 考虑价格参照效应的供应链动态生产和定价的联合决策研究.系统工程,2011,