Name (Simplified Chinese):何宇飞
Name (Pinyin):heyufei
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:香港大学
Teacher College:College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
He, Y. & Chui, E. (2016) Book review of The Conscience of China Social Work in Transitional Context, Li Ping-wai (Ed.) (2014). Beijing, Social Science Academic Press. Social Work Education: International Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2016.1184905 (published online 05/2016).
Release time:2021-04-07 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:何宇飞. 新乡村建设运动中的困境:另类商品化与合作劳动——基于华南某乡村旅馆项目的案例分析[J]. 中国农村观察, 2017(6): 130-141. (中国人民大学报刊复印资料《农业经济研究》2018年第2期转载。)
Next One:Yang, B., He, Y., & Long, W. (2016). Alienation of Civic Engagement in China? -- Case Studies on Social Governance in Hangzhou. Voluntas International Journal of Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations, 27(5), 1-23.