Name (Simplified Chinese):高坚
Name (Pinyin):gaojian
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:日本鹿儿岛大学
Teacher College:College of Fisheries


Jian Gao*, Shunsuke Koshio, Manabu Ishikawa, Saichiro Yokoyama, Daisuke Nose, Tongjun Ren. 2013.Interactive effects of vitamin C and E supplementation on growth, fatty acid composition and lipid peroxidation of sea cucumberApostichopus japonicusfed with dietary oxidized fish oil. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society.44, 536-546.
Release time:2021-06-28 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:2014
Next One:Jian Gao,Shunsuke Koshio*, Manabu Ishikawa, Saichiro Yokoyama, B.T. Nguyen. Roger Edward P. Mamauag. 2013. Effect of dietary oxidized fish oil and vitamin C supplementation on growth performance and reduction of oxidative stress in Red Sea BreamPagrus major. Aquaculture nutrition. 19, 35-44.