Xiaopeng Fu
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Xiaopeng Fu
Name (English):Xiaopeng Fu
Name (Pinyin):fuxiaopeng
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学


- 刘杰玮,庞景,傅小鹏*. 长沙市年宵花卉调查. 中国园艺学会-第六届全国花卉资源、育种、栽培及应用技术交流会,2018.11(会议论文).
- 孔维龙,王翠,但乃震,李丹丹,包满珠,傅小鹏*. 根癌农杆菌介导的香石竹遗传转化体系建立,中国农业大学学报,2018,23(4):34-44.
- 孔维龙,张康达,吴俊池,张丽平,潘辉,唐嘉蔚,傅小鹏*. 甜菜MADS-box家族基因的全基因组鉴定及进化分析,华北农学报,2018,33(1):86-95.
- 孔维龙,于坤,但乃震,杨绍宗,包满珠,黄向荣,傅小鹏*. 甜菜WRKY转录因子全基因组鉴定及其在非生物胁迫下的表达分析,中国农业科学,2017,50(17):3259-3273..
- 李谋亮,张晓妮,林胜男,吴全淑,包满珠,傅小鹏.月季R2R3-MYB转录因子全基因组鉴定与分析. 分子植物育种,2020,09(22):1-14.
- 李谋亮,沈慧,黄冰瑶,唐晓清,李珺语,陈馨,李子璇,包满珠,傅小鹏*,基于花器官形态的月季遗传多样性研究,园艺学报,2020,47(S1),2857.
- Xiang L, Chen Y, Chen LP,Fu XP,Zhao KG, Zhang J, Sun CB. B and E MADS-box genes determine the perianth formation inCymbidium goeringiiRchb. F.,PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM. 2018, 162(3): 353-369.
- FU Xiaopeng, HU Jinyi, HU Huirong, BAO Manzhu*. Cytological Observation of Microsporogenesis in Male-Sterile Lines of Chinese Pink (Dianthus chinensisL.)Agricultural Sciences in China.2008, 7(5): 547-553.
- Fu X., Bao M*. Genetic diversity ofDianthusaccessions as assessed using two molecular marker systems (SRAPs and ISSRs) and morphological traits,Scientia Horticulturae.2008, 117: 263-270.
- Fu XiaoPeng, Yang ShuHua, Bao ManZhu*.Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis in anther cultures of Chinese pink (Dianthus chinensisL.).In vitro Cellular Develop. Biol. –Plant.2008, 44(3):194-202.