Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):戴珂
Name (Pinyin):daike
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:武汉大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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- Huayong Wu, Wenli Chen, Xingmin Rong, Peng Cai, Ke Dai, Qiaoyun Huang. Soil Colloids and Minerals Modulate Metabolic Activity of Pseudomonas putida Measured Using Microcalorimetry.Geomicrobiology Journal31 (2014) 590-596..
- Huayong Wu, Wenli Chen, Xingmin Rong, Peng Cai, Ke Dai, Qiaoyun Huang. In situ ATR-FTIR study on the adhesion of Pseudomonas putida to Red soil colloids.J Soils Sediments14 (2014) 504-514..
- Bo Chai, Jing Li, Qian Xu, Ke Dai. Facile synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/WO3 nanoplates composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity.Materials Letters120 (2014) 177-181..
- Hui Wang, Yang Qu, Hao Chen, Zhidong Lin, Ke Dai. Highly selective n-butanol gas sensor based on mesoporous Sn02 prepared with hydrothermal treatment.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical201 (2014) 153-159..
- Ke Dai*, Xiaohu Zhang, Ke Fan, Tianyou Peng, Bingqing Wei. Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube-TiO2Nanocomposite for Visible-Light-Induced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. Journal of Nanomaterials (2014) 694073..
- Bo Chai*, Qian Xu, Jing Li, Ke Dai. Synthesis of Floriated BiOI Decorated with TiO2Nanoparticles for Efficient Photocatalytic Activity Under Visible Light.Science of Advanced Materials6 (2014) 1806-1813..
- Yang Qu*, Hui Wang, Hao Chen, Jie Xiao, Zhidong Lin, Ke Dai. Highly sensitive and selective toluene sensor based on Ce-doped coral-like SnO2.RSC Advances5 (2015) 16446-16449..
- Xiaomin He, Ke Dai, Aimin Li, Hao Chen*. Occurrence and assessment of perfluorinated compounds in fish from the Danjiangkou reservoir and Hanjiang river in China.Food Chemistry174 (2015) 180-187..
- Ibrahim Mohamed, Guo-shi Zhang, Zhi-guo Li, Yi Liu, Fang Chen, Ke Dai. Ecological restoration of an acidic Cd contaminated soil using bamboobiochar application.Ecological Engineering84(2015)67-76..
- Tianyu Gao, Guocheng Sun, Feiyue Cheng, Ke Dai*, Hao Chen*, Kejian Deng, Qiaoyun Huang. Enhanced visible-light-driven photoactivities of single-walled carbon nanotubes coated with N doping TiO2nanoparticles.RSC Advances5 (2015) 28973-28979..