Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):陈冬梅
Name (Pinyin):chendongmei
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
Business Address:兽药研究大楼203
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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Recent progress of emitting long-wavelength carbon dots and their merits for visualization tracking, target delivery and theranostics. Theranostics, 2023, 13(9): 3064-3102. (IF=12.4).
Release time:2023-07-03 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Targeting and Arginine-driven Synergizing Photodynamic Therapy with Nutritional Immunotherapy Nanosystems for Combating MRSA Biofilms. Science Advances, 2023 (IF 13.6)
Next One:Core-shell nanosystems designed for effective oral delivery of polypeptide drugs. Journal of Controlled Release, 2022, 352: 540–555. (IF 11.467)