教师拼音名称:Cai Hongmei

- Hongmei Cai, Sheng Huang, Jing Che, Naoki Yamaji, Jian Feng Ma*. A tonoplast-localized OsHMA3 plays an important role in maintaining Zn homeostasis in rice. J Exp Bot, 2019, 70(10): 2717-2725..
- Jingli Ding, Chenchen Ji, Hongmei Cai*. Membrane transporter families of metal microelements make plants grow better and healthier. Asian J Plant Sci Res, 2017, 7(6): 74-100..
- Haixing Li, Zhijun Liang, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu, Hongmei Cai*. A natural light/dark cycle regulation of carbon-nitrogen metabolism and gene expression in rice shoots. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: 1318..
- Haixing Li, Aili Bao, Zhijun Liang, Hongmei Cai*. The effect of glutamine on growth and carbon-nitrogen metabolism in Oryza sativa ev Japonica. Bangladesh J Bot, 2016, 45(1): 69-74..
- Aili Bao, Zhuqing Zhao, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu, Hongmei Cai*. The stable level of glutamine synthetase 2 plays an important role in rice growth and in carbon-nitrogen metabolic balance. Int J Mol Sci, 2015, 16: 12713-12736..
- Aili Bao, Zhijun Liang, Zhuqing Zhao, Hongmei Cai*. Overexpressing of OsAMT1-3, a high affinity ammonium transporter gene, modifies rice growth and carbon-nitrogen metabolic status. Int J Mol Sci, 2015, 16: 9037-9063..
- The effect of nitrogen level on rice growth, carbon-nitrogen metabolism and gene expression.BIOLOGIA,2015,
- Accumulated Expression Level of Cytosolic Glutamine Synthetase 1 Gene (OsGS1; 1 or OsGS1; 2) Alter Plant Development and the Carbon-Nitrogen Metabolic Status in Rice.PLOS ONE,2014,
- Comparative Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Rice Under Nitrogen and Phosphorus Starvation Stress Conditions.PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTER,2013,
- Molecular characterization, expression and functional analysis of the amino acid transporter gene family (OsAATs) in rice.ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM,2012,