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- Wu XL, Wei YJ, Wang JG, Xia JW, Cai CF, et al. Effects of erosion degree and rainfall intensity on erosion processes for Ultisols derived from quaternary red clay [J]. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2017, 249: 226-236..
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- Wu XL, Wei YJ, Wang JG, Cai CF, et al. RUSLE erodibility of heavy-textured soils as affected by soil type, erosional degradation, and rainfall intensity: A field simulation [J]. Land Degradation and Development, 2018, 29(3), 408-421..
- Wei YJ, Wu XL, Li XY, Xia JW, Cai CF, et al. A Novel and Facile Method for Characterizing Shrinkage Geometry along the Granitic Soil Profile [J]. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2018, 82: 20-30..
- Wu XL, Wei YJ, Wang JG, Xia JW, Cai CF, et al. Effects of soil type and rainfall intensity on sheet erosion processes and sediment characteristics along the climatic gradient in central-south China[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 621: 54-66..