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Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):杨扬
Name (Pinyin):yangyang
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:新工科楼G316
Alma Mater:华中科技大学
Teacher College:College of Engineering
Other Contact Information:

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杨扬,女,1987年生,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,校团委副书记(兼),机械工程系主任。2009年获华中科技大学学士学位,同年保送直博,2013年获华中科技大学博士学位。2013年起在华中农业大学工学院工作。热爱教育事业,爱岗敬业,自觉以“四有”的标准来严格要求自己,提升自己,做好学生成长的引路人。主要从事智能优化算法及其在智能制造和智慧农业方面应用的相关研究,承担国家自然科学基金、工信部高质量发展专项、国家重点实验室开放课题、企业横向等多项项目,在《Computers and Electronics in Agriculture》《Remote Sensing》《Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing》《International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology》《机械工程学报》《农业机械学报》等国内外权威期刊上发表论文30余篇(第一/通讯作者SCI论文15篇),取得软件著作权5项。近三年主讲《机械制造工艺学》、《金属切削原理及刀具》、《互换性与测量技术》、《系统工程导论》等课程。主持获批省级一流课程一门,获得第二届全国工程材料与机械制造基础/工程训练青年教师微课比赛二等奖、湖北省金工与工训青年教师微课教学竞赛一等奖、湖北省教学成果奖一等奖、华中农业大学“狮山硕彦”教学能手、教学成果特等奖、教学质量优秀奖二等奖、教学质量优秀奖三等奖、招生先进个人、院优秀班主任等荣誉和奖项。指导大学生SRF科技创新项目2项,省创项目2项。指导的相关本科生直接保送华中科技大学(2020年/2019年/2018年),被英国卡迪夫大学录取攻读博士(2020年),考取中国农业大学(2020)(复试成绩专业排名第一)攻读硕士学位。非常欢迎正直诚实、乐观勇敢、勤奋自律、有责任感、愿分享、乐助人、面对挫折坚韧不拔的机械工程、计算机、自动化、机电工程和农业工程等相关专业优秀同学报考本人研究生。热诚欢迎脚踏实地、勇于探索的本科生加入。

Yang Yang, female, born in 1987, Doctor of Engineering, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor. Yang received her Bachelor's Degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST) in 2009, in the same year, she was directly recommended for a doctorate and obtained Doctor's Degree from HUST in 2013. Yang works at College of Engineering in Huazhong Agricultural University from 2013. Yang is mainly engaged in related research on CNC milling process and process parameter optimization method. Up to now, she has presided over one project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and published more than 30 SCI papers. In the past three years, Yang lectures on Mechanical Manufacturing Technology, Metal Cutting Principles and Tools, Interchangeability and Measurement Technology, Introduction to System Engineering, and other courses. So far, Yang has won the Second prize of Micro-lesson Competition for young teachers of National Engineering Materials and Machinery Manufacturing Foundation/Engineering Training, obtaining the First prize of Micro-lesson Competition for young teachers of Metalworking and Engineering Training in Hubei Province, the Second and Third prizes for Outstanding Teaching Quality Award of HZAU, Outstanding Communist Party Member of College of Engineering of HZAU, Excellent Class Teacher and other honors.

Educational Experience

[1] 2009.9——2013.12
华中科技大学 > Doctoral Degree in Engineering > 工学博士学位

Work Experience

[1] 2013.12-Now

Social Affiliations


《Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing》《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》等SCI期刊杂志审稿人

