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教师拼音名称:Yang Ning




  杨宁,教授,博士生导师,作物遗传改良全国重点实验室及湖北洪山实验室研究人员,长期致力于玉米进化基因组研究以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在《Science》、《Nat Genet》、《Nat Commun》等期刊发表论文9篇。通过广泛收集丰富的及其野生种质资源成功解析了玉米和水稻趋同选择的遗传机制,揭示了玉蜀黍属适应性进化的调控机制,挖掘了结构变异的生物学功能;基于组装的首份热带玉米参考基因组和首份野生近缘种(Zea mays ssp. mexicana)基因组草图,克隆产量关键基因并初探mexicana对现代玉米的遗传贡献;开发了关联分析新模型ADGWAS,单体型基因组组装软件gcaPDA和本土化玉米多组学数据库ZEAMAP




1) Chen W#, Chen L#, Zhang X#, Yang N#, Guo J, Wang M, Ji S, Zhao X, Yin P, Cai L, Xu J, Zhang L, Han Y, Xiao Y, Xu G, Wang Y, Wang S, Wu S, Yang F, Jackson D, Cheng J, Chen S, Sun C, Qin F, Tian F, Fernie AR, Li J*, Yan J*, Yang X*. 2022Convergent selection of a WD40 protein that enhances grain yield in maize and rice. Science. 375(6587):eabg7985.

2) Chen L#, Luo J#, Jin M#, Yang N#*, Liu X, Peng Y, Li W, Phillips A, Cameron B, Bernal JS, Rellán-Álvarez R, Sawers RJH, Liu Q, Yin Y, Ye X, Yan J, Zhang Q, Zhang X, Wu S, Gui S, Wei W, Wang Y, Luo Y, Jiang C, Deng M, Jin M, Jian L, Yu Y, Zhang M, Yang X, Hufford MB, Fernie AR, Warburton ML, Ross-Ibarra J*, Yan J*.  (2022)  Genome sequencing reveals evidence of adaptive variation in the genus Zea. Nat Genet.54(11):1736-1745. 

3) Wang Y#, Li W#, Wang L, Yan J, Lu G, Yang N, Xu J, Wang Y, Gui S, Chen G, Li S, Wu C, Guo T, Xiao Y, Warburton ML, Fernie AR, Dresselhaus T, Yan J*. (2022) Three types of genes underlying the Gametophyte factor1 locus cause unilateral cross incompatibility in maize. Nat Commun. 13(1):4498.

4) Xie M#, Yang L#, Jiang C, Wu S, Luo C, Yang X, He L, Chen S, Deng T, Ye M, Yan J, Yang N*. gcaPDA: a haplotype-resolved diploid assembler. BMC Bioinformatics. 23(1):68.

5 Yang N*, Yan J*. New genomic approaches for enhancing maize genetic improvement. (2021Curr Opin Plant Biol. 60(101977).

6 Gui S, Yang L, Li J, Luo J, Xu X, Yuan J, Chen L, Li W, Yang X, Wu S, Li S, Wang Y, Zhu Y, Gao Q, Yang N*, Yan J*. ZEAMAP, a Comprehensive Database Adapted to the Maize Multi-Omics Era. (2020) iScience. 23(6):101241.

7 Yang N, Wu S, Yan J*. Structural variation in complex genome: detection, integration and function. (2019) Sci China Life Sci. 62(8):1098-1100.

8 Yang N#, Liu J#, Gao Q#,   Gui S, Chen L, Yang L, Huang J, Deng T, Luo J, He L, Wang Y, Xu P,  Peng  Y, Shi Z, Lan L, Ma Z, Yang X, Zhang Q, Bai M, Li S, Li W, Liu L,   Jackson D, Yan J*. (2019) Genome assembly of a tropical maize inbred line provides insights into structural variation and crop improvement. Nat Genet. 51(6):1052-1059.

9 Yang N#, Xu XW#,   Wang RR, Peng WL, Cai LC, Song JM, Li WQ, Luo X, Niu L, Wang Y, Jin M,   Chen L, Luo J, Deng M, Wang L, Pan Q, Liu F, Jackson D, Yang XH, Chen  LL*, Yan J*. (2017) Contributions of Zea mays subspecies mexicana haplotypes to modern maize. Nat Commun. 8(1):1874.

10) Liu J, Huang J, Guo H, Lan L, Wang H, Xu Y, Yang X, Li W, Tong H, Xiao Y, Pan Q, Qiao F, Raihan MS, Liu H, Zhang X, Yang N, Wang X, Deng M, Jin M, Zhao L, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Zhan W, Liu N, Wang H, Chen G, Li Q*, Yan J*. (2017) The Conserved and Unique Genetic Architecture of Kernel Size and Weight in Maize and Rice. Plant Physiol. 75:774-785.

11) Zhang X, Warburton ML, Setter T, Liu H, Xue Y, Yang N, Yan J, Xiao Y*. (2016) Genome-wide association studies of drought-related metabolic changes in maize using an enlarged SNP panel. Theor Appl Genet. 129:1449-63.

12) Xiao Y#, Tong H#, Yang X, Xu S, Pan Q, Qiao F, Raihan MS, Luo Y, Liu H, Zhang X, Yang N, Wang X, Deng M, Jin M, Zhao L, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Liu J, Zhan W, Liu N, Wang H, Chen G, Cai Y, Xu G, Wang W, Zheng D, Yan J*. (2016) Genome-wide dissection of the maize ear genetic architecture using multiple populations. New Phytol. 210:1095-106.

13) Wen W*, Liu H, Zhou Y, Yang N, Li D, Luo J, Xiao Y, Pan Q, Tohge T, Fernie AR, Yan J.   (2016) Combining quantitative genetics approaches with regulatory   network analysis to dissect complex metabolism in maize kernel. Plant Physiol. 170(1):136-146.

14) Ding J, Ali F, Chen G, Li H, Mahuku G, Yang N, Narro L, Magorokosho C, Makumbi D, Yan J*. (2015) Genome-wide association mapping reveals novel sources of resistance to northern corn leaf blight in maize. BMC Plant Biol. 2015 15:206.

15) Wen W#, Li K, Alseekh S, Omranian N, Zhao L, Zhou Y, Xiao Y, Jin M, Yang N, Liu H, Florian A, Li W, Pan Q, Nikoloski Z, Yan J*, Fernie AR*. (2015) Genetic determinants of the network of primary metabolism and their relationships to plant performance in a maize recombinant inbred line population. Plant Cell. 27(7):1839-56.

16)  Guo T, Yang N, Tong H, Pan Q, Yang X, Tang J, Wang J, Li J, Yan J*. (2014) Genetic basis of grain yield heterosis in an "immortalized F₂" maize population. Theor Appl Genet. 127(10):2149-2158.

17)  Yang N#, Lu Y#, Yang X, Huang J, Zhou Y, Ali F, Wen W, Liu J, Li J, Yan J*.   (2014) Genome wide association studies using a new nonparametric model   reveal the genetic architecture of 17 agronomic traits in an enlarged   maize association panel. PLoS Genet. 10(9):e1004573.

18)  Yang Q#, Li Z#, Li W#, Ku L#, Wang C, Ye J, Li K, Yang N, Li Y, Zhong T, Li J, Chen Y*, Yan J*, Yang X*, Xu M*. (2013) CACTA-like   transposable element in ZmCCT attenuated photoperiod sensitivity and   accelerated the postdomestication spread of maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(42):16969-16974.

19)  Li H#, Peng Z#, Yang X#, Wang W#, Fu J#, Wang J#, Han Y, Chai Y, Guo T, Yang N, Liu J, Warburton ML, Cheng Y, Hao X, Zhang P, Zhao J, Liu Y, Wang G, Li J, Yan J*. (2013) Genome-wide association study dissects the genetic architecture of oil biosynthesis in maize kernels. Nat Genet. 45(1):43-50.





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