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Juan Xu

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Juan Xu
Name (English):Juan Xu
Name (Pinyin):Xu Juan
Administrative Position:教授
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:园艺林学学院南楼620#
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Other Contact Information:






  先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、973重大计划专项、农业部公益性行业专项、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、湖北省自然科学基金、湖北省重点研发计划、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金、教育部学校特色等各类项目课题以及与浙江省丽水市农科院、全国蔬菜质量标准中心等企事业单位横向合作项目37项。已有128篇相关研究成果论文发表在园艺学报、Food Chemistry、Horticulture Research、BMC Plant Biology等国内外具有专业影响力期刊,获授权国家发明专利及软件著作权等11项

  兼职园艺学报编委、Scientia Horticulturae副主编、华中农业大学园艺产品感官评价与品质检测中心负责人。2002年至2005年任国际植物种质资源所(International Plant genetic Resources Institute,IPGRI)分子标记在热带果树上的应用培训班讲师;2006年9月至2007年3月在意大利国家新技术、能源与环境署(Italian National Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment)从事“病毒诱导的类胡萝卜素基基因沉默(Virus induced carotegenic gene silencing)”的合作研究;2007年3月至2010年12月,任第十一届国际柑橘学大会(The 11th International Citrus Congress)执行秘书和司库,会议论文集共同主编;2013年4月至2014年4月在新西兰The New Zealand Institute for Plant and food Research Limited访问学者,从事Molecular mechanism governing aspects of fruit qualities的合作研究。


1.柑橘果实品质生物学与调控: 建立了国内唯一柑橘品质数据库,柑橘果实中类黄酮积累差异的机理及相关基因的挖掘与验证,柑橘等果树挥发性物质合成、调控与代谢,柑橘中苦味形成与调控的机理以及柑橘中聚甲氧基黄酮、倍半萜等功能性成分合成关键基因的挖掘与功能验证;



1. 陈嘉景彭昭欣石梅艳徐娟*柑橘中类黄酮的组成与代谢研究进展. 园艺学报201643(2):384-400

2. 刘贤青, 涂虹, 王守创, 张红艳, 罗杰*, 徐娟*.不同类型柑橘果实汁胞中类黄酮的液相色谱质谱联用分析.植物生理学报, 2016, 52(5):762-770

3. 李明月, 陈嘉景, 程运江, 徐娟*.木鳖果生物学性状观察及其类胡萝卜素组分分析.中国南方果树, 2017, 46(5):57-62

4. 田静, 庞一波, 陈嘉景, 袁子彧, 曾继吾*, 徐娟*. 化州柚种质资源的SSR 分析及其果实不同发育期柚皮苷含量变化. 华中农业大学学报, 2019, 38(5): 64-70

5. 施要强, 张海朋, , 王振华, 刘翠华, 余乔明, 程运江, 徐娟*. ABA 处理对不同柑橘种质汁胞中挥发性物质的影响. 华中农业大学学报, 2020, 39 (1): 10-17

6. 施要强, 张海朋, 刘翠华, 蒋友武, 王振华, 谢宗周, 曾继吾*, 徐娟*. 不同发育时期莽山野柑果皮中挥发性物质代谢谱的变化. 华中农业大学学报, 2020, 39 (1): 34-43

7. 向思敏, 刘园, 王雪其, 王江波吴翠云, 唐章虎, 徐娟*. 基于HS-SPME-GC-MS方法的不同倍性库尔勒香梨果实风味相关代谢物质的变化. 华中农业大学学报, 2020, 39 (1): 53-60

8. 刘园, 向思敏, 王江波, 唐章虎, 龚涵, 张雪, 徐娟*. 库尔勒香梨挥发性物质及初生代谢物的GC-MS分析. 华中农业大学学报, 2020, 139 (1): 44-52

9. 张海朋, 刘翠华, 刘园, 温欢, 施要强, 张红艳, 徐娟*. 柑橘中挥发性萜类物质代谢研究进展. 园艺学报,202047 (8)16101624

10. 张海朋, 彭昭欣, 石梅艳, 温欢, 张红艳, 徐娟*. 柑橘果实风味组学研究进展. 华中农业大学学报, 2021, 40(1):32-39.

11. 向思敏, 刘园, 王江波, 邵建柱, 张红艳, 吴翠云, 唐章虎, 徐娟*. 新梨七号及其亲本果皮挥发性物质的比较分析. 华中农业大学学报, 2021, 40(5)

12. Shouchuang Wang, Hong Tu, Jian Wan, Wei Chen, Xianqing Liu, Jie Luo, Juan Xu*, Hongyan Zhang*. Spatio-temporal distribution and natural variation of metabolites in citrus fruits. Food Chemistry, 2016, 199: 8-17

13. Wenyun Li#, Cuihua Liu#, Min He, Jinqiang Li, Yongqiang Cai, Yuhua Ma, Juan Xu*. Largely different contents of terpenoids in beef red-flesh tangerine and its wild type. BMC Plant Biology, 2017, 17:36, DOI: 10.1186/s12870-017-0988-4

14. Haipeng Zhang, Yunxia Xie, Cuihua Liu, Shilin Chen, Shuangshuang Hu, Zongzhou Xie, Xiuxin Deng*, Juan Xu*. Comprehensive comparative analysis of volatile compounds in citrus fruits of different species. Food Chemistry, 2017, 230:316-326

15. Shouchuang Wang, Chenkun Yang, Hong Tu, Junjie Zhou, Xianqing Liu, Yunjiang Cheng, Jie Luo, Xiuxin Deng, Hongyan Zhang*, Juan Xu*. Characterization and metabolic diversity of flavonoids in citrus species. Scientific Reports, 2017: 10549, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-10970-2

16. Fuhua Yan#, Meiyan Shi#, Zhenyu He, Lianhai Wu, Xianghua Xu, Min He, Jiajing Chen, Xiuxin Deng, Yunjiang Cheng, Juan Xu*. Largely different carotenogenesis in two pummelo fruits with different flesh colors. PloS One, 2018, 13(7): e0200320.

17. Jiajing Chen, Ziyu Yuan, Haipeng Zhang, Wenyun Li, Meiyan Shi, Zhaoxin Peng, Mingyue Li, Jing Tian, Xiuxin Deng, Yunjiang Cheng, Cecilia Hong Deng, Zongzhou Xie, Jiwu Zeng, Jia-Long Yao*, Juan Xu*. Cit1,2RhaT and two novel CitdGlcTs participate in flavor-related flavonoid metabolism during citrus fruit development. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70 (10): 2759-2771.

18. Haipeng Zhang#, Cuihua Liu#, Jia-Long Yao, Cecilia Hong Deng, Shilin Chen, Jiajing Chen, Zhenhua Wang, Qiaoming Yu, Yunjiang Cheng, Juan Xu*. Citrus mangshanensis Pollen Confers a Xenia Effect on Linalool Oxide Accumulation in Pummelo Fruit by Enhancing the Expression of a Cytochrome P450 78A7 Gene CitLO1. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67, 9468−9476

19. Cuihua Liu, Min He, Zhuang Wang, Juan Xu*. Integrative analysis of terpenoids profiles and hormones from fruits of red-flesh citrus mutants and their wild types. Molecules, 2019, 24, 3456; doi:10.3390/molecules24193456

20. Haipeng Zhang, Huan Wen, Jiajing Chen, Zhaoxin Peng, Meiyan Shi, Mengjun Chen, Ziyu Yuan, Yuan Liu, Hongyan Zhang, Juan Xu*. Volatile compounds in fruit peels as novel biomarkers for the identification of four citrus species. Molecules, 2019, 24, 4550; doi:10.3390/molecules24244550

21. Haipeng Zhang, Mengjun Chen, Huan Wen, Zhenhua Wang, Jiangjing Chen, Liu Fang, Hongyan Zhang, Zongzhou Xie, Dong Jiang, Yunjiang Cheng, Juan Xu*. Transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses provide insight into the volatile compounds of citrus leaves and flowers. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 7,

22. Zhenyu He, Tiantian Zhao, Zhaoping Yin, Jihong Liu, Yunjiang Cheng, Juan Xu*. The phytochrome-interacting transcription factor CsPIF8 contributes to cold tolerance in citrus by regulating superoxide dismutase expression, Plant Science, 2020, 298: doi:

23.  Meiyan Shi, Xiao Liu, Haipeng Zhang, Zhenyu He, Hongbin Yang, Jiajing Chen, Jia Feng, Wenhui Yang, Youwu Jiang, Jia-Long Yao, Cecilia Hong Deng* and Juan Xu*. The IAA- and ABA-responsive transcription factor CgMYB58 upregulates lignin biosynthesis and triggers juice sac granulation in pummelo. Horticulture Research, 2020, DOI: 10.1038/s41438-020-00360-7

24. Yuan Liu, Simin Xiang, Haipeng Zhang, Hongyan Zhang, Cuiyun Wu, Zhanghu Tang, Jiangbo Wang*, Juan Xu*. Sensory quality evaluation of Korla pear from different orchards and analysis of primary and volatile metabolites. Molecules, 2020, 25, 5567, doi: 10.3390/molecules25235567

25. Cuihua Liu, Xiaoran Liu, Xiaoning Tian, Jing Zhang, Zhanfeng Zhang, Jinrui Shi, Juan Xu*, Xiaolin Ren*. Determination of Volatile Profiles inside Apple Fruit Storage Facilities Using MonoTrapTM Monolithic Silica Adsorbent and GC–MS. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2021,7(4):267-274, doi:

26. Haipeng Zhang, Jiajing Chen, Zhaoxin Peng, Meiyan Shi, Xiao Liu, Huan Wen, Youwu Jiang, Yunjiang Cheng, Juan Xu* and Hongyan Zhang* Integrated Transcriptomic and Metabolomic analysis reveals a transcriptional regulation network for the biosynthesis of carotenoids and flavonoids in ‘Cara cara’ navel Orange. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21: 29,

27. Zhaoxin Peng, Haipeng Zhang, Wenyun Li, Ziyu Yuan, Zongzhou Xie, Hongyan Zhang, Yunjiang Cheng, Jiajing Chen*, Juan Xu*. Comparative profiling and natural variation of polymethoxylated flavones in various citrus germplasms. Food Chemistry, 2021,

28. Cuihua Liu, Zhuo Zhang, Zhiming Dang, Juan Xu*, Xiaolin Ren*. New insights on phenolic compound metabolism in pomegranate fruit during storage. Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 285, 110138

29. Haipeng Zhang#, Xiaoqin Mo#, Dongmei Tang, Yuhua Ma, Hongbin Yang, Meiyan Shi, Lin Li, Wenyun Li, Fuhua Yan, Yajuan Zhang, Hongyan Zhang, Juan Xu*. Comparative analysis of volatile and carotenoid metabolites and mineral elements in the flesh of 17 kiwifruit. Journal of Food Science, 2021, 86: 3023-3032.

30. Cuihua Liu, Haipeng Zhang, Min He, Xi Liu, Shilin Chen, Zhenyu He, Junli Ye,* and Juan Xu*. Lycopene accumulation in Cara Cara red-flesh navel orange is correlated with weak abscisic acid catabolism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69: 8236−8246

31. Jiajing Chen, Gu Li, Haipeng Zhang, Ziyu Yuan, Wenyun Li, Zhaoxin Peng, Meiyan Shi, Wenyu Ding, Hhuixian Zhang, Yunjiang Cheng, Jialong Yao*, Juan Xu*. Primary Bitter Taste of Citrus is Linked to a Functional Allele of 1,2- rhamnosyltransferase Gene Originated from Citrus grandis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69, 9869-9882

32. Wenyun Li#, Gu Li#, Ziyu Yuan, Mingyue Li, Xiuxin Deng, Meilian Tan, Yuhua Ma, Jiajing Chen*, Juan Xu*. Illustration of the variation in the content of flavanone rutinosides in various citrus germplasms from genetic and enzymatic perspectives. Horticulture Research, 2022, 9: uhab017

33. Pei Yin#, Wenyu Ding#,  Haipeng Zhang,  Xiao Liu, Hongyan Zhang, Jiwu Zeng*, Juan Xu* Morphological, physiological and molecular characteristics of the seedless ‘Hongjiangcheng’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.). Horticultural Plant Journal, 2022, accepted

Educational Experience

[1] 1999.9——2002.7
华中农业大学 > Doctoral Degree in Agriculture > 农学博士学位
[2] 1994.9——1997.7
华中农业大学 > Master's Degree in Agriculture > 农学硕士学位
[3] 1990.9——1994.7
华中农业大学 > Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture > 农学学士学位

Work Experience

[1] 1997.7-1999.9
华南热带农业大学 > 农学院 > 助教
[2] 1997.9-Now

Social Affiliations


Scientia Horticulturae associate editor

