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Name (Simplified Chinese):薛绍武
Name (Pinyin):xueshaowu
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Teacher College:College of Life Sciences & Technology
Other Contact Information:





薛绍武  博士 生命科学技术学院教授 博士生导师






  1. Liu H, Li YF, Peng T, Xue S*. Transmembrane potential, an indicator in situ reporting cellular senescence and stress response in plant tissues. Plant Methods, 19, 27, 2023.

  2. Yu X, Xie Y, Luo D, Liu H, Oliveira M, Qi P, Kim S, Ortiz-Morea FA, Liu J, Chen Y, Chen S, Rodrigues B, Li B, Xue S, He P, Shan L. A phospho-switch constrains BTL2-mediated phytocytokine signaling in plant immunity. Cell, 186, 2329-2344, 2023.

  3. Wei L, Liu L, Chen Z, Huang Y, Yang L, Wang P, Xue S*, Bie Z*. CmCNIH1 improves salt tolerance by influencing the trafficking of CmHKT1;1 in pumpkin. Plant Journal, 114, 1353-1368, 2023.  (*Corresponding Authors)

  4. Rao Y, Peng T*, Xue S*. Mechanisms of plant saline-alkaline tolerance. J Plant Physiol. 281, 153916, 2023.

  5. Liu H & Xue S*. Interplay between hydrogen sulfide and other signaling molecules in the regulation of guard cell signaling and abiotic/biotic stress response. Plant Communications, 2, 100179.  2021.

  6. Liu H, Wang J, Liu J, Liu T, Xue S*. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) signaling in plant development and stress responses. aBIOTECH, 2, 32–63, 2021.

  7. Xu L#, Zhao H#, Wan R#, Liu Y, Xu Z, Tian W, Ruan W, Wang F, Deng M, Wang J, Dolan L, Luan S, Xue S*, Yi K*. Identification of vacuolar phosphate efflux transporters in land plants. Nature Plants, 5, 84–94, 2019.

  8. Wang L, Wan R, Shi Y, Xue S*. Hydrogen sulfide activates S-type anion channel via OST1 and Ca2+ modules. Molecular Plant, 9, 489–491, 2016.

  9. Xia J#, Kong D#, Xue S#, Tian W, Li N, Bao F, Hu Y, Du J, Wang Y, Pan X, Wang L, Zhang X, Niu G, Feng X, Li L, He Y*. Nitric oxide negatively regulates AKT1-mediated potassium uptake through modulating vitamin B6 homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111(45), 16196–16201, 2014. ( #Co-first Authors)

  10. Xue S#, Hu H#, Ries A, Merilo E, Kollist H, Schroeder JI*. Central functions of bicarbonate in S-type anion channel activation and OST1 protein kinase in CO2 signal transduction in guard cells. The EMBO Journal, 30(8), 1645–1658, 2011. Evaluated by Faculty1000.

  11. Xue S, Yao X, Luo W, Jha D, Tester M, Horie T, Schroeder JI*. AtHKT1;1 mediates nernstian sodium channel transport properties in Arabidopsis root stelar cells. PLoS One, 6(9), e24725, 2011.

  12. Brandt B#, Brodsky DE#, Xue S, Negi J, Iba K, Kangasjärvi J, Ghassemian M, Stephan A, Hu H, Schroeder JI*. CPK6 Activation, Branched ABI1 Down-regulation Mechanism, and Reconstitution of ABA Activation of SLAC1 Channel by CPK6 and OST1 Kinases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 109(26), 10593–10598, 2012.

  13. Hu H, Boisson A, Israelsson M, Böhmer M, Xue S, Ries A, Godoski J, Kuhn JM, Schroeder JI*. Carbonic anhydrases are upstream regulators of CO2-controlled stomatal movements in guard cells. Nature Cell Biology, 12(1), 87–93, 2010. (Cover story)

  14. Siegel RS, Xue S, Murata Y, Yang Y, Nishimura N, Wang A, Schroeder JI*. Calcium elevation-dependent and attenuated resting calcium-dependent abscisic acid induction of stomatal closure and abscisic acid-induced enhancement of calcium sensitivities of S-type anion and inward-rectifying K+ channels in Arabidopsis guard cells. The Plant Journal, 59, 207–220, 2009.

Book chapter

Shaowu Xue, Hai Liu (2023). H2S in guard cell signaling. In LV Modolo, CJ Da-Silva (Eds.) H2S in Plants. Past, Present and Beyond. (pp. 211-227). Elsevier Academic Press.


Web of Science

Educational Experience


1999-2005 山西大学 分子科学研究所 无机化学专业 理学硕士、博士学位


1992-1996 山西大学 化学系 化学专业 理学学士学位

Work Experience


2013-至今 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院 研究员、教授


2007-2010 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校 生物科学学部 博士后


2005-2007 首都师范大学 生命科学学院 博士后


2002-2013 山西大学 分子科学研究所 讲师、副教授

Social Affiliations

[1] 2023.4-Now
Journal of Plant Physiology期刊编辑