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Xiaomeng Wu

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Xiaomeng Wu
Name (English):Xiaomeng Wu
Name (Pinyin):Wu Xiaomeng
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:华中农业大学园林南楼
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Other Contact Information:




伍小萌 博士/教授

通讯地址:430070 湖北省武汉市华中农业大学




2023.12- ,华中农业大学,园艺林学学院,教授

2018/01 –2023.11,华中农业大学,园艺林学学院,副教授

2015/01 – 2017/12,华中农业大学,园艺林学学院,讲师

2013/04 – 2014/04,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)分子细胞发育生物学系(MCDB),博士生访学,导师:Bob Goldberg 教授(美国科学院院士)

2006/09 – 2014/12,华中农业大学,园艺林学学院,果树学博士,导师:郭文武 教授

2002/09 – 2006/06,华中农业大学,园艺林学学院园艺专业,农学学士



学术兼职:任《Scientia Horticulturae》Associate editor (2022.4- )

获奖情况:获华中农业大学第二届 “园艺新秀奖励基金” 资助(2022)


1)柑橘无性胚发生机理及利用无性胚发生,包括离体(in vitro)体细胞胚发生(somatic embryogenesis)和活体(in vivo)珠心多胚(nucellar poly-embryony)。体细胞胚发生是以愈伤组织为外植体的柑橘病毒脱除与品种提纯复壮、原生质体融合、基因编辑等生物技术改良的必要再生步骤。珠心多胚是典型的孢子体无融合生殖现象,被用于繁育整齐一致的砧木和固定优良品种的种性;但珠心胚干扰合子胚发育,又是柑橘常规杂交育种的主要障碍。拟发掘无性胚发生的关键基因并解析调控路径,揭示无性胚发生机理,建立优化原生质体基因编辑等生物技术,为柑橘繁育和遗传改良效率提升提供理论基础和技术体系。

2)柑橘雄性不育机理及利用雄性不育(Male sterility)表现为雄蕊缺失、花药发育异常和花粉败育,隔离种植果实无核,被广泛用于柑橘无核改良。拟利用课题组自主创制的雄性不育胞质杂种及其遗传分离群体,发掘控制雄蕊发育和影响花粉育性的关键因子,揭示柑橘细胞质和细胞和雄性不育(CMS/GMS)机理,培育兼具单胚/多胚和雄性不育/果实无核的柑橘新种质。

代表论著(* 通讯作者, #共同第1作者)

1)Wang PB, Duan YY, Quan RM, Feng MQ, Ren J, Tang YY, Qing M, Xie KD, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2025) CsTCP14-CsIAA4 module-mediated repression of auxin signaling regulates citrus somatic embryogenesis. New Phytologist DOI:10.1111/nph.20442(甘油培养基通过抑制生长素信号促进柑橘体细胞胚发生)

2)Fan YJ, Du ZZ, He XY, Liu ZA, Zhuang JX, Xiao GA, Duan YY, Tang FQ, Xie KD, Jiao WB, Zhang F, Yang C, Guo WW*, Wu XM* (2025) Somatic variations in the meiosis-specific gene CrMER3 confer seedlessness in a citrus bud sport. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology DOI:10.1111/jipb.13872(减数分裂基因CrMER3自然突变导致柑橘雌雄不育和果实无核)

3)Gao H, Xiao GA, Bao Y, Xia QM, Xie KD, Wu XM*, Guo WW* (2024) Integrative DNA methylome and transcriptome analysis illuminate leaf phenotype alterations in tetraploid citrus. Horticulture Advances 2: 28DNA甲基化组和转录组解析柑橘四倍体叶片形态变化机理

4)Wang R, Shi YC, Zhang B, Liu WR, Tan FQ, Lu F, Jiang N, Cheng LC, Xie KD, Wu XM*, Guo WW* (2024) Gene expression profiles and metabolic pathways responsible for male sterility in cybrid pummelo. Plant Cell Reports 43: 262(花药代谢组和转录组解析柑橘胞质杂种雄性不育机理

5)Wang R#, Shi YC#, Xie KD, Xie ZZ, Wu XM*, Guo WW* (2024) The citrus somatic cybrids exhibit various degrees of male sterility conferred by mitochondrial genome of Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu). Scientia Horticulturae 338: 113624(柑橘胞质杂种雄性不育性评价与无核育种策略

6)任家勤,黄雪冰,杨雯惠,陈昊,邓家锐,敖义俊,解凯东,郭文武,伍小萌*(2024)柑橘不同倍性种质胚性愈伤组织诱导及无病毒植株再生。果树学报 41(7): 1332-1341


8) Feng MQ, Jiang N, Wang PB, Liu Y, Xia QM, Jia HH, Shi QF, Long JM, Xiao GA, Yin ZP, Xie KD, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2023) The miR171-targeted CsSCLs regulate somatic embryogenesis by modulating ROS homeostasis and regeneration-related genes. Plant Physiology 192(4):2838-2854.(miR171c靶基因CsSCL2/3通过调节细胞ROS含量及下游再生相关基因表达,从而调控柑橘体细胞胚发生的机制解析

9) Jiang N, Feng MQ, Cheng LC, Kuang LH, Li CC, Yin ZP, Wang R, Xie KD, Guo WW, WuXM* (2023) Spatiotemporal profiles of gene activity in stamen delineate nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction in a male sterile somatic cybrid citrus. Horticulture Research 10: uhad105. (激光捕获精细取样结合转录组,解析柑橘胞质杂种雄性不育性相关核-质互作模式

10) Jia HH, Xu YT, Yin ZJ, Qing M, Xie KD, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2023) Genome-wide identification of the C2H2-Zinc finger gene family and functional validation of CsZFP7 in citrus nucellar embryogenesis. Plant Reproduction 36: 287–300. (柑橘C2H2锌指蛋白基因家族鉴定与CsZFP7调控珠心胚发生功能

11) Yang WH, Ren JQ, Liu WR, Liu D, Xie KD, Zhang F, Wang PW, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2023) An efficient transient gene expression system for protein subcellular localization assay and genome editing in citrus protoplasts. Horticultural Plant Journal 9(3): 425-436. (柑橘愈伤组织原生质体的瞬时转化和基因编辑体系建立和优化

12)  Feng MQ, Lu MD, Long JM, Yin ZP, Jiang N, Wang PB, Liu Y, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2022) miR156 regulates somatic embryogenesis by modulating starch accumulation in citrus. Journal of Experimental Botany 73(18): 6170-6185(miR156通过调节淀粉积累从而调控柑橘体细胞胚发生的功能解析)

13)Shi QF, Long JM, Yin ZP, Jiang N, Feng MQ, Zheng B, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2022) miR171 modulates induction of somatic embryogenesis in citrus callus. Plant Cell Reports 41:1403–1415(miR171调控柑橘愈伤组织体细胞胚发生的功能解析 )

14)Jia HH, Xu YT, Yin ZP, Wu XM*, Qing M, Fan YJ, Song X, Xie KD, Xie ZZ, Xu Q, Deng XX, Guo WW (2021) Transcriptomes and DNA methylomes in apomictic cells delineate nucellar embryogenesis initiation in citrus. DNA Research 28(5): dsab014(激光捕获精细取样结合转录组和DNA甲基化组,解析柑橘珠心胚起始发生过程的基因表达及表观修饰特征)

15) Wang K, Gao EL, Liu D, Wu XM*, Wang PW*(2021) The ER network, peroxisomes and actin cytoskeleton exhibit dramatic alterations during somatic embryogenesis of cultured citrus cells. Plant Cell Tissue And Organ Culture 148:259–270(柑橘愈伤组织体细胞胚发生过程的内质网、过氧化物酶体和细胞骨架的动态变化)

16) 授权国家发明专利(2021)。专利名称:一种基于柑橘原生质体的高效检测蛋白质亚细胞定位方法;专利号:ZL201911042777.3;发明人:伍小萌、杨雯惠、刘丹、王鹏蔚、郭文武

17)Chen M, Lin JY, Wu XM, Apuya NR, Henry KF, Le BH, Bui AQ, Pelletier JM, Cokus S, Pellegrini M, Harada JJ, Goldberg RB (2021) Comparative analysis of embryo proper and suspensor transcriptomes in plant embryos with different morphologies. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118: e2024704118(激光捕获精细取样结合转录组,解析不同植物球形胚时期胚体和胚柄的基因表达及功能特征)

18)Zhang S, Yin ZP, Wu XM*, Li CC, Xie KD, Deng XX, Grosser JW, Guo WW* (2020) Assembly of Satsuma mandarin mitochondrial genome and identification of cytoplasmic male sterility–specific ORFs in a somatic cybrid of pummelo. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 16: 84(组装柑橘线粒体基因组,利用自主创制的雄性不育胞质杂种柚鉴定CMS特异ORFs)

19)Wang R, Fang YN, Wu XM*, Qing M, Li CC, Xie KD, Deng XX, Guo WW* (2020) miR399-CsUBC24 module regulates the reproductive development and male fertility in citrus. Plant Physiology, 183: 1681–1695(* Co-Senior Author,以柑橘雄性不育胞质杂种为材料,揭示miR399与靶基因CsUBC24调控柑橘花发育和雄性不育的新功能)

20) Long JM, Liu CY, Feng MQ, Liu Y, Wu XM*, Guo WW* (2018) miR156-SPL modules regulate induction of somatic embryogenesis in citrus callus. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 2979-2993(miR156与靶基因CsSPLs调控柑橘体细胞胚发生的功能解析)

21)Long JM, Liu Z, Wu XM*, Fang YN, Jia HH, Xie ZZ, Deng XX, Guo WW* (2016) Genome-scale mRNA and small RNA transcriptomic insights into initiation of citrus apomixis. Journal of Experimental Botany 67: 5743–5756(胚珠小RNA和转录组发掘柑橘珠心胚起始发生的关键基因和miRNA)

22)Wu XM, Kou SJ, Liu YL, Fang YN, Xu Q, Guo WW* (2015) Genomewide analysis of small RNAs in nonembryogenic and embryogenic tissues of citrus: microRNA- and siRNA- mediated transcript cleavage involved in somatic embryogenesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 13: 383-394(高通量组学发掘柑橘体细胞胚发生相关小RNA)


1. Wu XM*, Ren J, Zhou R, Xie KD, Guo WW (2024) Efficient recovery, evaluation and breeding applications of tetraploids in poly-embryonic and mono-embryonic citrus genotypes. 第15届国际柑橘学大会(11.10-15)韩国 济州,生物技术专题邀请报告

2. Wu XM* (2023) Somatic embryogenesis research facilitates citrus improvement via cell engineering. 第四届亚洲园艺大会(8.28-8.31)日本 东京,分会场主持、口头报告

3.  Wu XM* (2020) The miRNAs and genes associated with asexual embryogenesis in citrus. 第七届国际园艺研究大会(7.1-7.30)网络会议,育种专题主持、青年学者论坛口头报告

4.  Jia HH, Yin ZP, Xu YT, Tan XY, Wu XM*, Guo WW (2019) Understanding citrus nucellar poly-embryony. 第六届国际园艺研究大会墙报口头展示并获优秀墙报一等奖,意大利 威尼斯9.30-10.5

5.  Wu XM*, Long JM, Liu Z, Jia HH, Feng MQ, Guo WW (2017) Understanding in vitro somatic embryogenesis and nucellar embryony of citrus. 第二届HZAU-PFR双边果树科学研讨会,新西兰 奥克兰 3.12-14

6.  Wu XM*(2016)Understanding in vitro somatic embryogenesis and nucellar embryony of citrus.第13届国际柑橘学大会,荣获国际柑橘学会“青年学者”荣誉奖(Young Scientist Award Honorable Mention),巴西 伊瓜苏 9.18-23

7.  Wu XM*, Long JM, Kou SJ, Guo WW (2014) High-throughput sequencing uncovers miRNAs and siRNAs involved in citrus somatic embryogenesis. 第22届国际植物与动物基因组大会—柑橘基因组研讨会,美国 加州 圣地亚哥 1.10-15

8. Wu XM*, Liu MY, Xu Q, Deng XX, Guo WW (2012) Exploring miRNA-targets modulation in citrus somatic embryogenesis by high-throughput small RNA and degradome sequencing. 第12届国际柑橘学大会,西班牙 巴伦西亚 11.18-23

(Updated Feb 2025)

Educational Experience

[1] 2006.9——2014.12
华中农业大学 > Doctoral Degree in Agriculture > 农学博士学位
[2] 2002.9——2006.6
华中农业大学 > Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture > 农学学士学位

Work Experience

[1] 2015.1-Now