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教师英文名称:Xin Wang
教师拼音名称:Wang Xin



王昕,中共党员,华中农业大学园艺林学学院/湖北洪山实验室研究员、博士生导师,果蔬园艺种质创新与利用全国重点实验室固定研究人员。入选湖北省创新人才计划(2022)和武汉市人才计划(2023)。2016年博士毕业于华中农业大学,2016-2021年在美国康奈尔大学博伊斯汤普森研究所开展博士后研究(研究方向:生物信息学与植物基因组学),202112月入职华中农业大学/湖北洪山实验室。目前主要从事蔬菜基因组学与分子育种的研究,将计算生物学、基因组学、群体遗传学等多个前沿学科有机结合,探索基因组变异在作物进化驯化中的生物学问题;解析重要农艺学性状的遗传基础和调控机制及其在遗传改良中的应用;基于机器学习、深度学习等技术,为蔬菜作物的分子设计育种提供理论指导。研究成果以第一作者/通讯作者(含共同)在Nature GeneticsNature CommunicationsNew PhytologistPlant Physiology Plant Biotechnology journalHorticulture Research等国际主流学术期刊;受邀担任Horticulture ResearchHorticulture Plant JournalGeneTheoretical and Applied Genetics等多个期刊审稿人。

每年招收博士生1名,硕士生2名。欢迎联系报考(Email: xinwang@mail.hzau.edu.cn)。


1. 国家重点研发计划子课题-农作物重要农艺性状基因组大数据辅助设计育种,2024-2028

2. 湖北洪山实验室高层次人才启动项目,2022-2026

3. 果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室自主培育重点项目,2023-2027


1.     Xie,S, Luo, G, An, G, Wang, B*, Kuang,H*, Wang, X*. Lskipk Lsatpase double mutants are necessary and sufficient for the compact plant architecture of butterhead lettuce. Horticulture Research, 2023, 11

2.     Wang, X. #, Gao, L.#, Jiao, C., Stravoravdis, S., Hosmani, P.S., Saha, S., Zhang, J., Mainiero, S., Strickler, S.R., and Catala, C. Genome of Solanum pimpinellifolium provides insights into structural variants during tomato breeding. Nature communications. 2020. 11, 1-11.

3.     Wang, X., Ai, G., Zhang, C., Cui, L., Wang, J., Li, H., Zhang, J., and Ye, Z. Expression and diversification analysis reveals transposable elements play important roles in the origin of L ycopersicon‐specific lncRNA s in tomato. New Phytologist. 2016. 209, 1442-1455.

4.     Wang, X., Bao, K., Reddy, U.K., Bai, Y., Hammar, S.A., Jiao, C., Wehner, T.C., Ramírez-Madera, A.O., Weng, Y., and Grumet, R. The USDA cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) collection: genetic diversity, population structure, genome-wide association studies, and core collection development. Horticulture Research. 2018. 5, 1-13.

5.     Guo, S. #, Zhao, S. #, Sun, H. #, Wang, X. #, Wu, S. #, Lin, T. #, Ren, Y., Gao, L., Deng, Y., and Zhang, J. Resequencing of 414 cultivated and wild watermelon accessions identifies selection for fruit quality traits. Nature genetics. 2019. 51, 1616-1623.

6.     Wu, S. #, Wang, X. #, Reddy, U., Sun, H., Bao, K., Gao, L., Mao, L., Patel, T., Ortiz, C., and Abburi, V.L. Genome of ‘Charleston Gray’, the principal American watermelon cultivar, and genetic characterization of 1,365 accessions in the US National Plant Germplasm System watermelon collection. Plant biotechnology journal. 2019. 17, 2246-2258.

7.     Ye, J.#, Wang, X.#, Wang, W.#, Yu, H., Ai, G., Li, C., Sun, P., Wang, X., Li, H., Ouyang, B., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Giovannoni, J.J., Fei, Z.* and Ye, Z.*. Genome-wide association study reveals the genetic architecture of 27 yield-related traits in tomato. Plant Physiology. 2021. 186, 2078-2092

8.     Wang, X#., Ando, K#.,Wu, S. Reddy, U.K., Tamang, P., Bao K., Hammar, Grumet, R.; McCreight, J., Fei, Z., Genetic characterization of melon accessions in the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System and construction of a melon core collection. Molecular Horticulture. 2021


[1] 2010.9——2016.6
华中农业大学 > 园艺学 > 农学博士学位 > 博士


[1] 2016.9-2021.9
Cornell University > Boyce Thompson Institute