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Mei Liang

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Mei Liang
Name (English):Mei Liang
Name (Pinyin):Liang Mei
Business Address:园艺林学学院基因楼417
Professional Title:Professor
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Other Contact Information:

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梁梅,中共党员,出生于山城重庆,现园艺林学学院园林系教授,2023年入选国家海外优秀青年人才引进计划、湖北省人才计划。2009-2013年,本科就读于南京农业大学园艺学专业;2013-2019,在华中农业大学柑橘团队完成硕博连读,师从邓秀新院士与柴利军教授;2019-2023年,在美国康涅狄格大学袁耀武教授实验室进行博士后研究。研究成果以第一作者发表在Science、Science Advances、Nature Plants等国际权威杂志。担任《Plant Physiology》,《New Phytologist》,《Plant Physiology and Biochemistry》等审稿专家。






1.  2024年1月-2026年12月,国家自然科学基金青年项目:花的两侧对称性调控YUP决定花瓣类胡萝卜素积累的分子机制,主持。

2.  2024年1月-2026年12月,国家优秀青年科学基金(海外):观赏植物复杂花色斑纹的形成机制及分子设计,主持。

3.  2023年10月-2028年10月,果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室自主培育重点项目,主持。

4.  2023年5月-2028年5月,华中农业大学人才引进启动经费,主持。


      1.  Zong-Hong Cao, Dan Song, Yu Hu, Mei Liang, Qiang Xu, Shao-Hua Wang, Jun-Li Ye, Zong-Zhou Xie, Xiu-Xin Deng, and Li-Jun Chai*.  S-locus F-Box Protein as Pollen S determinant Targets Non-self S-RNase underlying Self-Incompatibility in Citrus. Journal of Experimental Botany (2024): erae110.

2. Yuxiao Shen, Yufei Rao, Mengni Ma, Yajun Li, Yanhong He, Zheng Wang, Mei Liang*, and Guogui Ning*. Coordination among flower pigments, scents and pollinators in ornamental plants. Horticulture Advances 2, 1 (2024): 6.

3. Mei Liang*, Wenjie Chen, Amy M. LaFountain, Yuanlong Liu, Foen Peng, Rui Xia, H. D. Bradshaw, and Yao-Wu Yuan*. Taxon-specific, phased siRNAs underlie a speciation locus in monkeyflowers. Science 379, no. 6632 (2023): 576-582.(封面文章,并同期配发专题评述)

4. Mei Liang*, Caitlin E. Foster, Yao-Wu Yuan*. 2022. Lost in translation: molecular basis of reduced flower coloration in a self-pollinated monkeyflower (Mimulus) species. Science Advances. 8 (2022): eabo1113.(封面文章,并同期配发专题评述)

5. Mei Liang, Zonghong Cao, Andan Zhu, Yuanlong Liu, Mengqin Tao, Huayan Yang, Qiang Xu Jr, Shaohua Wang, Junjie Liu, Yongping Li, Chuanwu Chen, Zongzhou Xie, Chongling Deng, Junli Ye, Wenwu Guo, Qiang Xu, Rui Xia, Robert M. Larkin, Xiuxin Deng, Maurice Bosch, Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong, Lijun Chai*. 2020. Evolution of self-compatibility by a mutant Sm-RNase in citrus. Nature Plants. 6.2 (2020): 131-142. (高被引论文,F1000 Prime推荐, 并同期配发专题评述)

6. Mei Liang, Wei Yang, Shiying Su, Lili Fu, Hualin Yi, Chuanwu Chen, Xiuxin Deng, Lijun Chai*. 2017. Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of S-RNase involved in the self-incompatibility of citrus. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 292.2 (2017): 325-341. 

7. Siqi Zhang#, Mei Liang#, Nan Wang#, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng, Lijun Chai*. 2017. Reproduction in woody perennial Citrus: an update on self-incompatibility and polyembryony. Plant Reproduction. 31.1 (2018): 43-57.

8. Mei Liang, Xiaoming Yang, Hang Li, Shiying Su, Hualin Yi, Lijun Chai*, Xiuxin Deng. 2015. De novo transcriptome assembly of pummelo and molecular marker development. PloS One. 10.3 (2015): e0120615. 

Educational Experience

[1] 2013.9——2019.8
华中农业大学 > 果树学 > 博士 > 农学博士学位
[2] 2009.9——2013.6
南京农业大学 > 园艺 > 学士 > 农学学士学位

Work Experience

[1] 2023.3-Now
华中农业大学 > 园艺林学学院园林系 > 教授 > 在职
[2] 2019.10-2023.1
美国康涅狄格大学 > 博士后 > 离职