赖志兵 博士
赖志兵博士于2010年在普渡大学(美国)植物和植物病理系获得博士学位;2013年在普渡大学完成博士后研究,并加入华中农业大学生命科学技术学院。目前,赖志兵博士课题组以模式植物和玉米为主要研究对象,致力于植物抗病基因克隆和抗病分子机制解析工作。近5年,成功克隆了5个玉米抗病基因,获批国际授权专利3项,获批中国授权专利2项,以通讯作者身份在Autophagy, Molecular Plant, Nature Communications等期刊上发表高水平研究论文7篇。
1. 玉米抗病基因克隆和抗病分子机制解析;
2. 玉米-病原真菌互作分子机制解析;
3. 细胞自噬介导的植物抗病分子机制解析;
2006.01-2010.06 普渡大学(美国),植物和植物病理学系,博士学位
1999.09-2002.12 南京农业大学,植物病理学系,硕士学位
1995.09-1999.07 江西农业大学,植物保护系,学士学位
2013.11-至今 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院教授/作物遗传改良全国重点实验室独立PI
2010.06-2013.11 普渡大学(美国),博士后
1. 国家自然基金面上项目,大斑病菌靶定的玉米核蛋白ZmE66P1介导的感病分子机制研究,项目批准号:32372085;在研;
2. 国家自然基金面上项目,玉米抗灰斑病qRglsSB基因的克隆及其抗病分子机理的研究,项目批准号:32072007;在研;
3. 横向课题(企业合作课题):玉米抗病基因克隆和育种价值评估;在研;
4. 国家自然基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(组织间合作研究-NSFC-CGIAR项目I(国际组织)),玉米抗大斑病遗传基础的剖析和利用,项目批准号:31761143008;结题;
5. 国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0101002)小麦等作物功能基因组研究与应用;子课题,玉米模拟病斑抗性QTL的克隆及抗病调控网络的探索,结题;
6. 国家自然基金面上项目,抗玉米南方锈病基因RppK22的克隆及其抗病分子机理的研究,项目批准号:31571676;结题;
1. Dai, Z., Pi, Q., Liu, Y., Hu, L., Li, B., Zhang, B., Wang, Y., Jiang, M., Qi, X., Li, W., Gui, S., Llaca, V., Fengler, K., Thatcher, S., Li, Z., Liu, X., Fan, X., Lai, Z*. (2024) ZmWAK02 encoding an RD-WAK protein confers maize resistance against gray leaf spot. New Phytologist. 241(4): 1780-1793. (*通讯作者) (IF: 9.4)
2. Dai, Z., Yang, Q., Chen, D., Li, B., Que, J., Hu, L., Zhang, B., Zhang, Z., Chen, K., Zhang, S., Lai, Z*. (2023) ZmAGO18b negatively regulates maize resistance against southern leaf blight. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 136: 158. (*通讯作者) (IF: 5.57)
3. Chen, G., Zhang, B., Ding, J., Wang, H., Deng, C., Wang, J., Yang, Q., Pi, Q., Zhang, R., Zhai, H., Dong, J., Huang, J., Hou, J., Wu, J., Que, J., Zhang, F., Li, W., Min, H., Tabor, G., Li, B., Liu, X., Zhao, J., Yan, J.*, and Lai, Z*. (2022) Cloning southern corn rust resistant gene RppK and its cognate gene AvrRppK from Puccinia polysora. Nature Communications. 13:4392. (*通讯作者) (IF: 14.919)
4. Wang, H., Hou, J., Ye, P., Hu, L., Huang, J., Dai, Z., Zhang, B., Dai, S., Que, J., Min, H., Chen, G., Wang, Y., Jiang, M., Liang, Y., Li, L., Zhang, X., Lai, Z*. (2021) A Teosinte-derived Allele of a MYB Transcription Repressor Confers Multiple Disease Resistance in Maize. Molecular Plant. 14:1846-1863. (*通讯作者) (IF: 13.164)
5. Zhang, B., Shao, L., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Guo, X., Peng, Y., Cao, Y., Lai, Z*. (2021) Phosphorylation of ATG18a by BAK1 suppresses autophagy and attenuates plant resistance against necrotrophic pathogens. Autophagy. 17(9): 2093-2110. (*通讯作者) (IF: 16.016)
6. Li, G., Wang, J., Li, D., Liu, S., Yin, J. *, Lai, Z. *, Yang, G*. (2021) A Hg(II)-specific probe for imaging application in living systems and quantitative analysis in environmental/food samples. Chinese Chemical Letters. 32(4): 1527-1531. (*通讯作者) (IF: 4.632)
7. Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Yu, D., Peng, Y., Min, H., Lai, Z*. (2020) Copper ions are required for Cochliobolus heterostrophus in appressorium formation and virulence on maize. Phytopathology. 110(2): 494-505. (*通讯作者) (IF: 4.025)
8. Lai, Z., Schluttenhoffer, S.M., Bhide, K., Jacob, S., Thimmapuram, J., Lee, S.Y., Yun, DJ., Mengiste T*. (2014) MED18 interacts with distinct transcription factors regulates plant immunity, flowering time and responses to hormones. Nature Communications. 5:3064. (IF: 12.12)
9. Lai, Z., Mengist, T*. (2013) Genetic and cellular mechanisms regulating plant responses to necrotrophic pathogens. Current opinion in plant biology.16: 505-512.
10. Lai, Z., Li, Y., Wang, F., Cheng, Y., Fan, B., Yu, J., and Chen, Z*. (2011) Arabidopsis Sigma Factor-Binding Proteins are Activators of WRKY33 Transcription factor in Plant Defense. Plant Cell. 23: 3824-3841.
11. Lai, Z., Wang, F., Zheng, Z., Fan, B., Chen, Z*. (2011) A Critical Role of Autophagy in Plant Resistance to Necrotrophic Fungal Pathogens. Plant Journal. 66: 953-968.
12. Lai, Z.#, K. M. Vinod. #, Zheng, Z., Fan, B., Chen, Z*. (2008) Role of Arabidopsis WRKY3 and WRKY4 transcription factors in plant responses to pathogens. BMC Plant Biology. 8:68. (# co-first author) (IF: 3.497)