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学科:食品科学    农产品加工及贮藏工程    




        胡婉峰,女,博士,华中农业大学食品科技学院副教授,食品科学系副主任。中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院国家果蔬加工工程中心获得博士学位。主持和参与国家自然科学青年基金、湖北省技术创新重大项目、国家重点研发计划等项目11项,以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论文二十余篇。独著学术专著《多酚氧化酶导论》和《果蔬贮藏加工中的褐变及控制》。担任《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《Plos One》、《Ultrasonics sonochemistry》等杂志的稿件评审人。获得校教学质量二等奖,校青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖,被评为最受欢迎教师



2、教育部中央高校基本科研业务项目,2662018JC018,学科交叉研究专项《荸荠对鲜切损伤胁迫和精油胁迫的褐变响应代谢研究》, 2018/01-2020/12



5、国家重点研发计划“现代食品加工及粮食收储运技术与装备”                             重点专项 “新型果蔬汁加工关键技术及装备研发”中的“宽皮柑橘清汁关键技术研究及工艺开发” 2017YFD0400701-2,2017.01-2020.12






胡婉峰,多酚氧化酶导论[M]. 武汉:武汉大学出版社,2016.

胡婉峰: 果蔬贮藏加工中的褐变及控制[M],北京:中国农业出版社, 2022


胡婉峰; 滕永欣; 祝林虎; 胡雪琪; 徐晓云; 潘思轶; 一种用于抑制鲜切水生果蔬黄化褐变的处理方法[P], 2018-04-12,中国, ZL201810326122.8.

胡婉峰; 刘凤霞; 唐蜜; 王鲁峰; 徐晓云; 潘思轶; 一种能抑制酶促褐变的苹果汁加工方法[P],2016-02-29,中国, ZL201610113079.8.

胡婉峰; 张娇, 杨芷璇, 彭帮柱, 徐晓云; 潘思轶; 一种通过高压二氧化碳抑制非酶褐变的橙皮果脯加工方法[P] , 2022-04-08,中国, ZL201910663381.4.


Jiaxing Li; Lijuan Zhu; Ayesha Murtaza; Aamir Iqbal; Jiao Zhang;  Xiaoyun Xu; Siyi Pan, Wanfeng Hu*; The effect of high pressure carbon dioxide on the inactivation kinetics and structural alteration of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase from Chinese water chestnut: An investigation using multi-spectroscopy and molecular docking methods, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2022, 102970. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifset.2022.102970

Wanlu Ma,Jiaxing Li,Ayesha Murtaz,Aamir Iqbal ,Jiao Zhang,Lijuan Zhu,Xiaoyun Xu,Siyi Pan, Wanfeng Hu*. High-pressure carbon dioxide treatment alleviates browning development by regulating membrane lipid metabolism in fresh-cut lettuce,2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.108749

Bing Zhang,Ayesha Murtaza, Aamir Iqbal,Jiao Zhang,Tingting Bai,Wanlu Ma,Xiaoyun Xu,Siyi Pan, Wanfeng Hu* ,Comparative study on nutrient composition and antioxidant capacity of potato based on geographical and climatic factors[J],Food bioscience,2022

Jiao Zhang; Junjie Li; Ayesha Murtaza; Aamir Iqbal; Lijuan Zhu; Shinawar waseem Ali; Muhammad Usman; Roshan Yameen; Siyi Pan; Wanfeng Hu*. Synergistic effect of high-intensity ultrasound and β-cyclodextrin treatments on browning control in apple juice. International Journal of Food Science & Technology,2021, https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.15443

Xuan Zhou, Aamir Iqbal,Jiaxing Li,Chang Liu, Ayesha Murtaza,Xiaoyun Xu, Siyi Pan, Wanfeng Hu*. Changes in Browning Degree and Reducibility of Polyphenols during Autoxidation and Enzymatic Oxidation[J]. Antioxidants,2021,10(11):

Jiao Zhang; Ayesha Murtaza; Lijuan Zhu; Aamir Iqbal; Shinawar Waseem Ali; Xiaoyun Xu; Siyi Pan; Wanfeng Hu*; High pressure CO2 treatment alleviates lignification and browning of fresh-cut water-bamboo shoots (Zizania latifolia), Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2021,182:111690, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2021.111690

Mengjie Kong; Ayesha Murtaza; Xueqi Hu; Aamir Iqbal; Lijuan Zhu; Shinawa Waseem Ali; Xiaoyun Xu; Siyi Pan; Wanfeng Hu*;Effect of high-pressure carbon dioxide treatment on browning inhibition of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis tuberosa): Based on the comparison of damaged tissue and non-damaged tissue, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2021,179:111557, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2021.111557

孔梦洁; 张娇; 李家兴; 胡婉峰*; 徐晓云; 潘思轶; 高压二氧化碳处理对鲜切荸荠褐变的影响[J], 食品工业科技, 2021,42(15):283-288..

孔梦洁; 祝林虎; 夏蒙蒙; 胡婉峰*; 徐晓云; 潘思轶; 超声波协同护色剂浸渍工艺对橘瓣干制品色泽的影响[J], 华中农业大学学报, 2021, 40(01): 77-85.

Jiao Zhang; Aamir Iqbal; Ayesha Murtaza; Xuan Zhou; Xiaoyun Xu; Siyi Pan; Wanfeng Hu*; Effect of high pressure carbon dioxide on the browning inhibition of sugar-preserved orange peel, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2021, 46, 101467. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcou.2021.101467

陈旋; 祝林虎; 孔梦洁; 张娇; 徐晓云; 潘思轶; 胡婉峰*; 杀菌方式对胡柚百香果复合果汁挥发性成分的影响[J].华中农业大学学报,2020,39(02):112-121.

Yongxin Teng; Ayesha Murtaza; Aamir Iqbal; Jialing Fu; Ali ShinawarWaseem; Iqbal MuhammadAmjed; Xiaoyun Xu; Siyi Pan; Wanfeng Hu*; Eugenol emulsions affect the browning processes, and microbial and chemical qualities of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut, Food Bioscience, 2020, 38, 100716.

Ayesha Murtaza; Aamir Iqbal; Krystian Marszałek; Muhammad Amjed Iqbal; Shinawar Waseem Ali; Xiaoyun Xu; Siyi Pan; Wanfeng Hu*; Enzymatic, Phyto-, and Physicochemical Evaluation of Apple Juice under High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide and Thermal Processing, Foods, 2020, 9 (2), 243.

Lijuan Zhu; Linhu Zhu; Ayesha Murtaza; Yan Liu; Siyu Liu; Junjie Li; Aamir Iqbal; Xiaoyun Xu; Siyi Pan; Wanfeng Hu*; Ultrasonic Processing Induced Activity and Structural Changes of Polyphenol Oxidase in Orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck), Molecules, 2019, 24(10): 1922.

Ayesha Murtaza; Aamir Iqbal; Zhu Linhu; Yan Liu; Xiaoyun Xu; Siyi Pan; Wanfeng Hu*; Effect of high-pressure carbon dioxide on the aggregation and conformational changes of polyphenol oxidase from apple (Malus domestica) juice, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2019, 54: 43-50.

滕永欣; 孔梦洁; 陈旋; 胡婉峰*; 徐晓云; 潘思轶; 鲜切荸荠变色机理及控制方法研究进展[J], 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(02): 321-325.

Ayesha Murtaza; Zafarullah Muhammad; Aamir Iqbal; Rabia Ramzan; Yan Liu; Siyi Pan*; Wanfeng Hu*; Aggregation and conformational changes in native and thermally treated polyphenol oxidase from apple juice (Malus domestica), Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6: 203.

Siyu Liu; Ayesha Murtaza; Yan Liu; Wanfeng Hu*; Xiaoyun Xu; Siyi Pan; Catalytic and Structural Characterization of a Browning-Related Protein in Oriental Sweet Melon (Cucumis Melo var. Makuwa Makino), Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6: 354.

Siyu Liu; Yan Liu; Xingjian Huang; Wenjing Yang; Wanfeng Hu*; Siyi Pan; Effect of ultrasonic processing on the changes in activity, aggregation and the secondary and tertiary structure of polyphenol oxidase in oriental sweet melon (Cucumis melo var. makuwa Makino), Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture, 2017, 97(4): 1326-1334.

胡婉峰; 刘思宇; 黄行健; 单小飞; 徐晓云; 潘思轶; 彭帮柱*; 芒果中褐变相关酶的酶学性质及结构表征[J], 华中农业大学学报, 2016, 04: 106-112.

黄行健; 程玉鑫; 刘思宇; 徐晓云; 胡婉峰*; 潘思轶; 红肉桃皮中多酚氧化酶的酶学特性及结构表征[J], 华中农业大学学报, 2016, 03: 114-121.

唐艳斌胡婉峰*拟青霉WPG-1固体发酵产β-1,3-1,4-葡聚糖酶条件的优化中国酿造2015, 34(8): 17-21

Nana Huang; Xi Cheng; Wanfeng Hu *; Siyi Pan; Inactivation, aggregation, secondary and tertiary structural changes of germin-like protein in Satsuma mandarine with high polyphenol oxidase activity induced by ultrasonic processing, Biophysical chemistry, 2015, 197: 18-24.

Huang, Xingjian., Yi, Tian., Yang, Fang., Xu, Can., Li, Gan., Hu, Wanfeng*., Bi, Dingren., Pan, Siyi. Effects of sodium tripolyphosphate, microbial transglutaminase and enzyme-hydrolyzed soy protein fraction on the quality of cooked pork batter by response surface methodology. Advance journal of food sciences and technology, 2014. 6(11): 1228-1240

Li, Renjie., Wang, Yongtao., Hu Wanfeng., Liao, Xiaojun. Changes in the activity, dissociation, aggregation, and the secondary and tertiary structures of a thaumatin-like protein with a high polyphenol oxidase activity induced by high pressure CO2. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2014. 23: 68-78.

Xi Cheng; Xingjian Huang; Siyu Liu; Mi Tang; Wanfeng Hu*; Siyi Pan; Characterization of germin-like protein with polyphenol oxidase activity from Satsuma mandarine, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2014, 449(3): 313-318.

Wanfeng Hu; Linyan Zhou; Zhenzhen Xu; Yan Zhang; Xiaojun Liao*; Enzyme inactivation in food processing using high pressure carbon dioxide technology, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2013, 53(2): 145-61.

Wanfeng Hu; Yan Zhang; Yuanyuan Wang; Linyan Zhou; Xiaojing Leng; Xiaojun Liao*; Xiaosong Hu; Aggregation and homogenization, surface charge and structural change, and inactivation of mushroom tyrosinase in an aqueous system by subcritical/supercritical carbon dioxide, Langmuir, 2011, 27(3): 909-916.


胡婉峰; 赵洪雷; 万琼红; 李春美*; 陈美红; 莲藕多酚氧化酶的纯化方法研究[J], 食品科学, 2009, 1: 173-176.


[1] 2008.9——2011.6
中国农业大学 > 工学博士学位 > 工学博士学位
[2] 2005.9——2008.6
华中农业大学 > 硕士 > 硕士
[3] 2005.9——2008.6
华中农业大学 > 硕士 > 硕士



