本人坚持以探究卵泡发育与排卵调控机制为“立足点”,以优化、创新繁殖技术,提高动物繁殖力为“目标”。在"Journal of Pineal Research", "Advanced Science", "Journal of Biological Chemistry", "Aging Cell", "Communications Biology" 以及 "FASEB Journal" 等权威刊物上发表论文30余篇,授权专利7项。亮点学术贡献有:
(1) 提出“颗粒细胞层硬化 (mGC-layer Stiffening)”新概念,它是阻止壁层颗粒细胞在排卵后脱离卵泡残腔的关键机制(2024);
(2) 提出“坝-泵-管道 (Dam-Pump-Pipe)”理论模型,它是首个解释卵泡腔“从无到有”建立过程的完整模型(2023);
(3) 绘制卵泡发育动力学图谱,标记了卵泡发育进程中关键生物学事件,由此提出卵泡“三步走”发育模型(2020,2021, 2024);
(4) 发现受HPG轴控制的卵巢局部褪黑素旁分泌信号,它在平衡“卵泡发育”与“卵巢衰老”中发挥重要作用(2016,2021,2024)。
此外,获Wiley开放科学“中国杰出作者奖”(2023)、英国生殖与生育学会“生殖杂志奖”(2021),吉林省“自然科学学术成果三等奖”(2018)。担任“Development”,“Journal of Pineal Research”,“Communications Biology”, "Biology of Reproduction”以及“中国畜牧兽医”等多个期刊审稿人。
[1] Follicular mural granulosa cells stockpile glycogen to fuel corpus luteum pre-vascularization. bioRxiv, 2025, 634063 (通讯作者).
[2] mTOR signaling mediates energy metabolic equilibrium in bovine and mouse oocytes during the ovulatory phase. Biology of reproduction, 2025, ioae182 (通讯作者,美国生殖学会会刊).
[3] Granulosa cell‐layer stiffening prevents escape of mural granulosa cells from the post-ovulatory follicle. Advanced Science, 2024, e2403640 (通讯作者).
[4] Melatonin facilitates oocyte growth in goats and mouse through increased nutrient reserves and enhanced mitochondrial function, The FASEB Journal, 2024, 38(18), e70052 (1作兼通讯,美国实验生物学联合会会刊).
[5] The FSH-mTOR-CNP signaling axis initiates follicular antrum formation by regulating tight junction, ion pumps, and aquaporins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2023, 299(8), 105015 (通讯作者,美国生化与分子生物学会会刊,自然指数期刊).
[6] Melatonin delays ovarian aging in mice by slowing down the exhaustion of ovarian reserve. Communications Biology, 2021, 4(1), 534 (通讯作者,NATURE旗下刊物).
[7] A mouse model reveals the events and underlying regulatory signals during the gonadotrophin-dependent phase of follicle development. Molecular Human Reproduction, 2020, 26(12), 920–937 (通讯作者,欧洲生殖与胚胎学会会刊).
[8] A prepubertal mice model to study the growth pattern of early ovarian follicles. IJMS, 2021, 22(10), 5130 (通讯作者).
[9] α-ketoglutarate delays age-related fertility decline in mammals. Aging Cell, 2021, 20(2), e13291 (共同1作,英国解剖学会会刊).
[10] Alpha-ketoglutarate affects murine embryo development through metabolic and epigenetic modulations (2019). Reproduction, 158(2), 123–133 (共同1作,英国生殖与生育学会会刊).
[11] Melatonin and its receptor MT1 are involved in the downstream reaction to luteinizing hormone and participate in the regulation of luteinization in different species. Journal of Pineal Research, 2016, 61(3), 279–290 (第1作者).
[12] Mitochondria synthesize melatonin to ameliorate its function and improve mice oocyte's quality under in vitro conditions. IJMS, 2016, 17(6), 939 (第1作者).
[13] Melatonin-related genes expressed in the mouse uterus during early gestation promote embryo implantation. Journal of Pineal Research, 2015, 58(3), 300–309 (第1作者).