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Wei He

Name (Simplified Chinese):Wei He
Name (English):Wei He
Name (Pinyin):hewei
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Professional Title:Associate professor
Alma Mater:四川农业大学
Other Contact Information:




硕博期间,主要开展长江上游高山森林生态系统凋落物分解及其对林窗响应机制的研究,发现高山森林林窗更新及其对雪被的再分配显著影响了不同关键时期灌木凋落物质量损失、碳氮磷释放以及木质素、纤维素和酚类物质的降解过程。相关成果在《Ecosystems》、《Plant and Soil》、《植物生态学报》和《Scientific Reports》等学术刊物上发表,其中,《Plant and Soil》和《植物生态学报》的论文为封面文章,且被植物生态学报奖励为2014高影响力论文。这些研究为气候变化情景下高山森林生态系统管理提供了较为重要的科学依据。



◼ 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31800518,林下植被对马尾松人工林凋落物分解的影响,2019/01-2021/12,主持。

◼ 国家重点研发计划子课题,2017YFC050530303,三峡库区园地面源污染农业综合防控过程与技术,2017/07-2020/12,主持。

◼ 湖北省自然科学基金青年基金项目,2018CFB374,马尾松人工林凋落物分解的微生物机制及其对林下植被缺失的响应,2018/01-2019/12,主持。

◼ 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2662020YLPY018,马尾松人工林凋落物分解的主场效应及其驱动机制,2020/05-2022/04,主持。

◼ 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2662016QD023,北亚热带典型森林乔灌草混合凋落物分解,2016/07-2019/06,主持。


◼ Wei He, Abdul Baess Keyhani, Zhiyuan Ma, Jiaoyang Xu, Chenchen Zhang, Xin Xu, Mingjun Teng, Zhaogui Yan, Ben Wang, Pengcheng Wang*, Leaf litter lignin degradation in response to understory

vegetation removal in a Masson pine plantation, Land Degradation & Development, 2021, 32: 1632-1642.

◼ Wei He, Xin Xu, Chenchen Zhang, Zhiyuan Ma, Jiaoyang Xu, Mingjun Ten, Zhaogui Yan, Ben Wang, Pengcheng Wang*, Understory vegetation removal reduces the incidence of non-additive mass loss during leaf litter decomposition in a subtropical Pinus massoniana plantation, Plant and Soil, 2020, 446: 529-541.

◼ Wei He, Lei Lei, Zhiyuan Ma, Mingjun Teng, Pengcheng Wang, Zhaogui Yan, Zhilin Huang, Lixiong Zeng*, Wenfa Xiao, Nonadditive effects of decomposing mixed foliar litter on the release of several metallic elements in a Pinus massoniana Lamb. forest, Annals of Forest Science, 2020, 77: 46.

◼ Wei He, WanQin Yang*, Loss of total phenols from leaf litter of two shrub species: dual responses to alpine forest gap disturbance during winter and the growing season, Journal of Plant Ecology, 2020, 13: 369–377.

◼ Wei He, Zhiyuan Ma, Jing Pei, Mingjun Teng, Lixiong Zeng, Zhaogui Yan, Zhilin Huang, Zhixiang Zhou, Pengcheng Wang*, Xin Luo, Wenfa Xiao, Effects of Predominant Tree Species Mixing on Lignin and Cellulose Degradation during Leaf Litter Decomposition in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China, Forests, 2019, 10: 360.

◼ Lixiong Zeng#, Wei He#, Mingjun Teng, Xin Luo, Zhaogui Yan, Zhilin Huang, Zhixiang Zhou, PengchengWang*, Wenfa Xiao, Effects ofmixed leaf litter from predominant afforestation tree species on

decomposition rates in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 639: 679-686.

◼ Wei He, FuZhong Wu, WanQin Yang*, DanJu Zhang, ZhenFeng Xu, Bo Tan, YeYi Zhao, FrancisJustine Meta, Gap locations influence the release of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in two shrub foliar litter in an alpine fir forest, Scientific Reports, 2016, DOI: 10.1038/srep22014.

◼ Wei He, FuZhong Wu, WanQin Yang*, Bo Tan, YeYi Zhao, QiQian Wu, Min He, Lignin degradation in foliar litter of two shrub species from the gap center to the closed canopy in an alpine fir forest, Ecosystems, 2016, 19(1): 115-128.

◼ Wei He, FuZhong Wu, DanJu Zhang, WanQin Yang*, Bo Tan, YeYi Zhao, QiQian Wu, The effects of forest gaps on cellulose degradation in the foliar litter of two shrub species in an alpine fir forest, Plant and Soil, 2015, 393(1-2): 109-122.

◼ 吴庆贵, 谭波, 杨万勤*, 吴福忠, 何伟, 倪祥银, 亚高山森林林窗大小对凋落叶木质素降解的影响, 生态学报, 2016, 36(18): 5701-5711.

◼ 何伟, 吴福忠, 杨万勤*, 武启骞, 何敏, 赵野逸, 雪被斑块对高山森林两种灌木凋落叶质量损失的影响, 植物生态学报, 2013, 37(4): 306-316.

◼ 何伟, 吴福忠, 杨万勤*, 王奥, 武志超, 赵野逸, 百草枯对巨桉人工幼林土壤细菌多样性的影响, 环境科学学报, 2012, 32(11): 2857-2864.

Educational Experience

[1] 2012.9——2016.1
四川农业大学 > Doctoral Degree in Science > 理学博士学位

Work Experience

[1] 2016.7-Now

Social Affiliations

[1] 2019.7-Now

Research Focus