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Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):MOHAMED FRAHAT FODA
Name (Pinyin):Mohamed Frahat Foda
Education Level:哲学博士学位
Professional Title:Associate professor
Alma Mater:Huazhong Agriculrial University
Teacher College:College of Life Sciences & Technology
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A/Prof. Mohamed Frahat Foda is actively contributing to the field of nanotechnology, specializing in the synthesis, functionalization, and bio-application of various nanostructures. His research primarily focuses on quantum dots (QDs), lysosomes, graphene oxide (GO), and carbon quantum dots (CQDs), which have significant implications in nanobiotechnology and materials science. By incorporating principles from biochemistry, molecular biology, and nanotechnology, he has also explored multidisciplinary innovative approaches for bioimaging, targeted drug delivery, and nanosensors.

In addition to his work in nanotechnology, A/Prof. Mohamed F. Foda has a profound interest in studying the interplay between epigenetic modifications and gene expression in plants, with a specific emphasis on rice. Through his research, he aims to uncover the regulatory mechanisms that govern rice flowering genes and develop advanced strategies for precise genetic manipulation using carbon-based nanomaterials. By collaborating with Prof. Xingwang Li, his research will explore the potential of nanotechnology to revolutionize crop improvement, offering novel approaches to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability. By merging expertise in epigenetics, nanotechnology, and molecular biology, A/Prof. Foda's research strives to address fundamental questions at the intersection of genetics and plant science, ultimately contributing to the development of resilient and high-yielding crop varieties.

Educational Experience

[1] 2011.9——2015.6
Huazhong Agricultural University > Biochemistry and Molecular Biology > 哲学博士学位
[2] 2007.1——2010.5
Benha University > Biochemistry and Molecular Biology > 农学硕士学位
[3] 2002.9——2006.6
Benha University > Biochemistry and Molecular Biology > 农学学士学位

Work Experience

[1] 2017.1-2021.12
Principal Investigator (PI) of a National Natural Science Foundation of China Project
[2] 2016.4-2018.3
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Huazhong Agricultural University